

单词 out-clearing
释义 ˈout-ˌclearing, vbl. n. Banking.
[out- 6.]
The sending out of bills of exchange and cheques drawn upon other banks to the Clearing-house, in order to their settlement by the banks on which they are drawn; hence, the bills and cheques collectively thus sent out to be cleared: the converse of in-clearing. Also attrib. as ˈout-clearing book (short out-book), the book in which these are entered. Hence ˈout-clearer, the representative of a bank at the Clearing-house, who manages the out-clearing; also called out-clerk.
[1827J. W. Gilbart Pract. Treat. Banking (1849) II. 442 All the articles in the Clearing are entered..in a book called the Clearing Book. On the left hand are entered the bills and drafts upon other Bankers. These are called the ‘clearing out’.]1875Jevons Money (1878) 278 The exchanges are effected by an equal number of messengers simultaneously walking round the desks, delivering the parcels of ‘out clearing’ and receiving those of ‘in clearing’, or, as they are called in New York, the Credit and Debit Exchanges.1882A. S. Michie Gilbart's Hist. Banking II. 325 The In-Clearing Book of each clerk ought to agree, of course, with the portions relating to him of the Out-Clearing Books of the other twenty six Clerks.1897Westm. Gaz. 5 Mar. 3/1 The ‘out-clearers’ in the morning sort the various cheques received by their bank on the other clearing banks in alphabetical order, and enter them in their ‘out-clearing books’ under the names of the different banks.




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