

单词 outcry
释义 I. outcry, n.|ˈaʊtkraɪ|
[out- 7.]
1. The act of crying out; an excited exclamation or shout; loud clamour; noise, uproar.
1382Wyclif Ecclus. xxxv. 18 The outcry of hir vp on the ledyng doun of hem.1534Act 26 Hen. VIII, c. 5 §1 Any outcrie, hute, or fresshe suite of or for anie felonie.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 51 Carying him awaye, he makinge an outcry and calling for helpe.1603Knolles Hist. Turks (1638) 101 Hee returning..with his army, came vpon them..with a most horrible outcry.1748Anson's Voy. iii. vi. 347 There was an outcry of fire on the forecastle.1810Scott Lady of L. ii. xvii, With mingled out-cry, shrieks, and blows.1875Freeman Norm. Conq. (ed. 2) III. xii. 208 The charge..seems..to rest on nothing better than the wild outcries of William's enemies at a drunken revel.
2. a. A public sale to the highest bidder; an auction. Now local exc. U.S.
c1600Distracted Emp. ii. i. in Bullen Old Pl. (1884) III. 195 He sells his goods at outcryes—‘Who gives most?’1607J. Norden Surv. Dial. i. 9 One wil outbid another, as at an outcry in London.1708Lond. Gaz. No. 4412/3 On Wednesday..will be held a publick Outcry for Sale of the Inheritance or Fee-simple Estate of the..Barton of Kentaberry.1723De Foe Col. Jack (1840) 213, I broke up housekeeping, and sold my furniture by public outcry.1848Thackeray Van. Fair xxxviii, [He] sold it at public outcry, at an enormous loss to himself.1931Amer. Speech. VII. 20 Public outcry, an auction sale.1961Webster s.v., Southeastern Reporter. The executor's duty to sell it at public outcry.1974News & Reporter (Chester, S. Carolina) 15-A/6 (Advt.), I, the undersigned Special Referee will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder..the following described real estate.
b. The crying of articles in the streets for sale.
1884Times 29 July 11 Yesterday..a milkman was summoned under a local by-law for selling milk by outcry.
3. Rhet. Ecphonesis or exclamation. Obs.
1587Golding De Mornay xxvi. 396 We would haue him to vse..outcries as Cicero, or fine conceits as Seneca doth.1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie iii. xix. (Arb.) 221 The figure of exclamation, I call him the outcrie because it vtters our minde by all such words as do shew any extreme passion.

Add:[1.] b. spec. A vehement public protest (against or over something); more rarely, a popular demand for.
1911G. B. Shaw Doctor's Dilemma Pref. p. xlv, A popular outcry for the suppression of a method of research which has an air of being scientific.1914Misalliance Pref. p. lv, There is a continual outcry against the sacrifice of mental accomplishments to athletics.1957W. S. Churchill Hist. Eng.-Speaking Peoples III. ix. 296 Andrew Jackson's victory at New Orleans and the success of the peace negotiations produced an outcry against the disloyalty of New England.1961J. Heller Catch-22 xi. 113 Captain Piltchard and Captain Wren were both too timid to raise any outcry against Captain Black.1965A. J. P. Taylor Eng. Hist. 1914–45 i. 26 Northcliffe, greatest of the press lords..resolved to launch an outcry against the ‘shells scandal’.1988P. Gay Freud iii. 105 There would be an outraged outcry, a veritable ‘thunderstorm’ over the nonsense, the foolishness, he had produced.
II. outˈcry, v.
[out- 14, 15, 18.]
a. intr. To cry out.
b. trans. To cry aloud, exclaim; to proclaim. Obs.
1430–40Lydg. Bochas 39 a/2 The world outcryeth of vs tweyn.1567Gude & Godlie B. (S.T.S.) 183 Thair fals Hypocresie Throw all the warld is now outcryit.1626T. Ailesbury Passion Serm. 27 Thus Christ, having outcryed his torments, prayed for reliefe.1654Gayton Pleas. Notes ii. ii. 38 When Sancho out-cri'd, then Don did not out-ride.1849Thackeray Pendennis I. xxii. 204 She at once took side with Helen against Doctor Portman, when he outcried at the enormity of Pen's transgressions.
2. To sell by auction. Obs.
1676Laws of Barbados 15 Mar. (1699) 126 Be it Enacted..That such Effects should be out-cryed and sold within those Hours.1688Ibid. 19 Dec. (1855) 10 Debtors that have their cattle, coppers and stills, and other chattels brought by execution to the open market to be outcried.
3. To outdo in crying; to cry louder than; to ‘shout down’.
1530Palsgr. 650/2 Lette hym crye as loude as he wyll, yet I wyll outcrye hym.1628C. Potter Consecr. Serm. 15 Mar. (1629) 72 If wee cannot outcry it, wee must outlive it.1641Symonds Serm. bef. Ho. Comm. D b, Their dead inventions would out-cry us, and condemne us.1742Young Nt. Th. ix. 2326 Ev'ry Night Let it out-cry the Boy at Philip's Ear.1851Ruskin Mod. Paint. II. iii. i. xiv. §5 Neither anger, for that overpowers the reason or outcries it.




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