

单词 outflash
释义 I. ˈoutflash, n.
[out- 7.]
The act of flashing out.
1889Skrine Mem. E. Thring 61 The outflash of his spirit did not die with the moment.
II. outˈflash, v.
[out- 18, 14.]
a. trans. To surpass in flashing, outshine.
b. intr. To flash out.
1833Browning Pauline 59 Do I not..burn to see thy calm, pure truths out-flash The brightest gleams of earth's philosophy.1848Webster, Outflash, to surpass in flashing.1866J. Thomson Poems, Philosophy i. ii, Flowers bloomed for maidens, swords outflashed for boys.1887Blackmore Springhaven I. v. 33 The calm sad face, which in the day of battle could outflash them all.1939Joyce Finnegans Wake 210 A pretty box of Pettyfib's Powder for Eileen Aruna to whiten her teeth and outflash Helen Arhone.
So ˈoutˌflashing vbl. n. [out- 9], flashing out.
1831Carlyle Sart. Res. iii. i, Such first outflashing of man's Freewill, to lighten, more and more into Day.1882J. Parker Apost. Life I. 91 The Bible..appals me by the outflashing of sudden lights and unexpected glory.




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