

单词 overbrow
释义 I. ˈoverˌbrow, n. Obs.
[over- 1 d.]
c1000Sax. Leechd. III. 188 Mæden [hæfð] tacn on ofer⁓brawe swiþran.1555Eden Decades 287 A foule of darke coloure..with redde ouerbrowes.1561Hollybush Hom. Apoth. 2 Good to use, specially for ouerbrowes and eye liddes.
II. overˈbrow, v.
[over- 1.]
trans. To overhang like a brow. Hence overˈbrowing ppl. a.
1742Collins Ode Poet. Char. 58 Strange shades o'erbrow the vallies deep.1814Southey Roderick xiv. 58 Beneath the overbrowing battlements.1824Longfellow Woods in Winter i, The hill That overbrows the lonely vale.




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