

单词 over-cram
释义 ˌover-ˈcram, v.
[over- 27.]
trans. To cram or stuff to excess or too much, esp. with food, and fig. with information. Hence ˌover-ˈcrammed ppl. a. So ˈover-ˈcram n.: cf. cram n. 4.
1599A. M. tr. Gabelhouer's Bk. Physicke 28/2 Take a good Capone, which hath binne choackede, & overcrammed.1683Tryon Way to Health 316 Many there are, that be not content to Over-cram Nature with too great a Quantity of Food, but they will needs drown her too, with a deluge of Drink.1828S. R. Maitland Let. to C. Simeon 30 The miserable, inadequate, and now over-crammed tenement.1895A. M. Stoddart J. S. Blackie II. 89 Pedantry hallowed by the dry-rot of ages, or jubilant over-cram, its mushroom product.




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