

单词 overfill
释义 I. overˈfill, v.
[OE. oferfyllan, f. ofer-, over- 24 + fyllan to fill: cf. MHG. überfüllen.]
1. trans. To do more than fill; to fill to overflowing.
c1230Hali Meid. 19 He earneð him ouerfullet ful & ouer⁓eorninde met of heuenliche mede.1495Trevisa's Barth. De P.R. vi. xx. (W. de W.) 207 The stomak is ouerfilled, and is stretchid abrode.1575–85Abp. Sandys Serm. (1841) 9 They who are over-filled with works of supererogation.a1700Dryden (J.), The tears she shed, Seem'd..to discharge her head, O'er fill'd before.1869Phillips Vesuv. iii. 56 On the 13th the lava overfilled the great fissure.1908B. Stoughton Metall. Iron & Steel viii. 200 With open passes, the collars cannot be made to quite touch..and the pressure may squeeze some metal between them, forming a ‘fin’ along the side of the piece. This is known as ‘overfilling the pass’.1953D. J. O. Brandt Manuf. Iron & Steel xxxii. 239 When the first portion of the rod enters the stands, there is no tension and the passes are overfilled but if there is tension when all the stands are rolling this will cause underfilling which will go on until the back end of the rod leaves the first stands, and the tension is relaxed, then overfilling will take place again.1968R. N. Parkins Mech. Treatm. Metals iii. 135 The method adopted in this latter work was to determine the filling characteristic of a pass sequence, since this may be used to determine whether a given ingoing bar will under- or over-fill the pass.
2. intr. To become full to overflowing.
1615Chapman Odyss. xiii. 358 Water'd with floods, that ever over-fill With heaven's continual showers.1676Hobbes Iliad (1677) 63 Suddenly the river overfills, Supply'd by Jove with mighty showers of rain.1684T. Burnet Th. Earth ii. 77.
Hence ˈoverˈfilled ppl. a., overˈfilling vbl. n.
1606Sylvester Du Bartas ii. iv. ii. Magnificence 867 Th' over-burdned Tables bend with weight Of their Ambrosiall over-filled fraight.1900Daily News 6 July 3/3 Overfilled, undermanned hospital, without medical necessities.1953[see sense 1 above].1968R. N. Parkins Mech. Treatm. Metals ii. 78 Overfilling will cause the excess metal to spread into the roll joints..giving fins.
II. ˈoverfill, n. Metallurgy.
[f. the vb.]
A projection on rolled metal due to the metal being too large for the aperture through which it was forced in rolling, so that the excess spread between the junction of the rolls; also, a bar or the like that is too large for the rolling it is to undergo.
1924F. W. Dencer Detailing & fabricating Struct. Steel xxvii. 355 Material with overfills is not necessarily defective.1929Rolling Mill Jrnl. Jan. 16/1 If a bar when passing through a pass does not fill the groove, it is spoken of as an underfill. If it more than fills the groove and squeezes out at the sides, it is spoken of as an overfill and the material squeezing out at the sides is known as a fin or a flash.1957Making, Shaping & Treating of Steel (U.S. Steel) (ed. 7) xxx. 556/2 Overfills are broad and less sharp than fins. As a rule, overfills occur more frequently than fins and in many cases are associated on the same bar with underfills.1964N. Weinstein tr. Polukhin's Rolling Mill Pract. xvii. 286 Fills and overfills obtained in rolling section steel are illustrated.




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