

单词 overhigh
释义 overˈhigh, v. Obs.
[over- 27, 25: cf. MHG. überhoehen.]
trans. a. To lift or raise too high. b. To exalt supremely (tr. L. superexaltāre Vulg.)
c1340Hampole Prose Tr. (1866) 8 Þat sche be noghte lyghtly ouer-heghede in the ayre of wynde.c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 62 (Benedicite) Herie ȝe and overe-hiȝe ȝe him in al tyme..þat þing overhiȝiþ anoþir þing þat seiþ it passiþ alle oþere creaturis: and so overhiȝinge, propirly is lovynge proprid to God.Ibid. 66, etc.




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