

单词 over-ruff
释义 over-ˈruff, v.
[over- 22.]
trans. To over-trump. Also absol. and (with stress on first syllable) as n., an act or instance of over-ruffing.
1813Hoyle's Games of Whist & Quadrille 50 Ruff, and over-ruff, to trump a suit led, second or third hand.c1890Up to Date Games of Cards 37 Ruff means to trump a suit second or third hand, when you are rid of that suit: over-ruff means to trump above.1906Westm. Gaz. 13 Oct. 14/1 Had A held neither of these cards he would have surely led a diamond.., instead of putting his partner to an over-ruff in the spade.1926M. C. Work Auction Bridge Complete ii. ii. 331 He should lead trumps before taking the ruff and so avoid any chance of an over-ruff... Dummy's ruff of the losing Club might be over-ruffed.1974Oxford Times 12 July 10/8 North can ruff in whenever he likes, but dummy overruffs and plays a diamond.1975Times 16 Aug. 7/4 East was end-played, whether or not he over-ruffed.1976Country Life 26 Feb. 498/1 When you see the chance of an easy overruff, don't be in too much of a hurry to take it.




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