

单词 overtrow
释义 I. ˈoverˌtrow, n.
[See next.]
1. Over-trust, over-confidence. (OE.)
a941Laws æthelstan vi. c. 8. §7 (Schmid) Menn ne reccean, hu heora yrfe fare, for þam ofertruan on þam friðe.
2. Distrust, suspicion. (ME.)
c1350Will. Palerne 1402 He ne durst openly for ouertrowe of gile.
3. (See quot.) nonce-use. [over- 29.]
1891Atkinson Moorland Par. 69 What I would willingly call overtrow or believing overmuch, not superstition.
II. ˌoverˈtrow, v.1 Obs.
[over- ? 4, 27.]
1. trans. To mistrust, distrust.
c1175Lamb. Hom. 21 Leofe broðre ne ouertrowiȝe cristes milce..al swa monimon seið and weneð, Hu mei ic efre ibete.
2. intr. To trust overmuch, be too confident.
1422tr. Secreta Secret., Priv. Priv. 169 Thow arte a fole dotdrat [= dottard] and ouer-trowes.
Hence ˌoverˈtrowing vbl. n., over-confidence; ppl. a., over-confident; ˈoverˈtrowship, ˈoverˈtrowth, over-confidence.
1422tr. Secreta Secret., Priv. Priv. 187 Who-so suche losengeris belewyth othyr trowyth, they shal falle in Pride and ouertrouth.c1425Eng. Conq. Irel. lix. 142 Euery wysman vnderstond hym by Roboam, Salomones sone, how mych harme falleth of pryde & ouertrowshype.c1430Pilgr. Lyf Manhode ii. v. (1869), Serteyn,..the disturblaunce cometh of thin ouertrowinge [oultrecuidance].
III. overˈtrow, v.2 Obs.
[app. an erroneous expansion of ortrow v., due to the frequent reduction of original over- to o'er-, ore-, or-.]
trans. (with obj. cl.). To suspect; to believe, suppose.
c1305St. Kenelm 292 in E.E.P. (1862) 55 Þe contrai men..þat vnder-ȝete þat cas Ouertrowede [c 1290 Laud MS. ortreweden] wel whar hit lay.1382Wyclif 1 Kings xxii. 32 Thei ouertroweden [1388 suposiden, Vulg. suspicati sunt] that he hadde ben kyng of Irael.
Hence overˈtrowable a., to be suspected, suspect; overˈtrowing ppl. a., suspecting.
[1382Wyclif Ecclus. xxv. 9 Nyne vnouertrowable thingus [Vulg. novem insuspicabilia] of the herte I magnefiede.]13881 Cor. iv. 4, Y am no thing ouer trowynge to my silf [Vulg. nihil..mihi conscius sum].




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