

单词 over-vain
释义 over-ˈvain, a. Obs.
[over- 25.]
Superfluously vain or worthless (rendering L. supervacuus). So over-ˈvainly adv., superfluously, utterly in vain, without cause (rendering L. supervacue).
1382Wyclif Wisd. xi. 16 Summe errende herieden doumbe edderes, and ouer veyne bestes [1388 superflu, Vulg. bestias supervacuas].Ps. xxiv. [xxv.] 4 Confoundid be alle doende wickid thingus ouer veynly [1388 superfluli, Vulg. iniqua agentes supervacue].Ibid. xxxiv. [xxxv.] 7 Ouer veynly [Vulg. supervacue] thei acuseden my soule.




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