

单词 pacification
释义 pacification|ˌpæsɪfɪˈkeɪʃən|
[a. F. pacification (15th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), ad. L. pācificātiōnem, n. of action from pācificāre to pacify.]
a. The action or fact of pacifying or appeasing; the condition of being pacified; appeasement, conciliation. spec. U.S., a process or operation (usu. a military operation) designed to secure the peaceful cooperation of a population or an area where one's enemies are thought to be active.
Edict of Pacification, an ordinance or decree enacted by a prince or state to put an end to strife or discontent; esp. in French Hist., one of the royal edicts in the 16th century granting concessions to the Protestants; e.g. those issued in 1563, 1570, and the Edict of Nantes in 1598.
1490Caxton Eneydos xxi. 77 That the swete wyndes shalle putte hemselfe vp in pacifycacion of the see.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VI 158 To begyn a shorte pacificacion in so long a broyle.1573E. Varamund Rep. Outrages France in Harl. Misc. (Malh.) I, The King..gave his faith, that he would for ever most sacredly and faithfully observe his edict of pacification.1615Bp. Hall Contempl., O.T. ix. vii, His pacification of friends [was] better than his execution of enemies.1726Penhallow Ind. Wars (1859) 66 They went into the Fort..professing their desire for a pacification.1881Shorthouse J. Inglesant I. xiv. 204 [This] had much helped towards the pacification of his mind.1946‘G. Orwell’ in Horizon XIII. 76 Defenceless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification.1966N.Y. Rev. Bks. 3 Mar. 4/3 It would be wrong to predict a priori that President Johnson's new ‘counter-insurgency’ and ‘pacification’ programs, based on plans for economic and social development in the Southern villages, will fail as totally as did the quite similar plans sponsored by the French and later by the Diem regime.1967New Yorker 14 Oct. 55 For God's sake, Hinton! You mean all this time I've been talking about pacification you thought I meant peace?1969A. G. Frank Latin Amer. xxv. 401 The latest effort, for instance, is to have the Latin American military occupation forces improve their reputation in the countryside by undertaking Latin American versions of the imperialist ‘pacification’ program in Vietnam.1969Listener 12 June 814/2 US civilians are busy with pacification programmes to make the peasants more hostile to communism and more loyal to Saigon.1974Black Panther 16 Mar. 2/3 This prison we're in is a military camp and it has the most propagandist and pacification program in all the camps in America.1974Encycl. Brit. Macropædia XIII. 847/1 The formula that peace is the aim of war..has time and again been expressed in the paradoxical concept of pacification, which means exactly those violent actions through which an expanded area of peace shall be won and maintained.
b. A treaty of peace.
1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 458 b, In the meane season the pacification of Passawe to remayne in full strength.1655G. Lane in Nicholas Papers (Camden) III. 225 They haue made noe provision for their reception in the pacification.1874Green Short Hist. viii. §5. 516 The pacification at Berwick was a mere suspension of arms.1874Stubbs Const. Hist. I. xii. 522 The pacification was arranged on the 15th of May.




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