

单词 approwment
释义 I. approvement1|əˈpruːvmənt|
Also 6–7 approove-.
[a. OFr. aprovement, later approuvement (Cotgr.), f. aprove-r: see approve v.1 and -ment.]
1. The action of proving guilty, or convicting, by becoming ‘approver.’
1768Blackstone Comm. IV. 324 Approvement..is when a person, indicted of treason or felony, and arraigned for the same, doth confess the fact before plea pleaded; and appeals or accuses others, his accomplices, of the same crime, in order to obtain his pardon.1824Thesiger Trial Thurtell & Hunt 161 The doctrine of approvement has been obsolete now for 150 years.
2. Expression of sanction or satisfaction; approbation, approval. Obs.
1615G. Sandys Trav. 61 Without his approuement.a1617Hieron Wks. I. 27 The worst things haue had the greatest consent, and the fullest and most generall approouement.1665R. B. Comm. Two Tales 197 Their high Approvement of them induced..the Author to go on with the rest.
3. That which is approved. Obs.
1673Penn Alex. Coppersmith 22 The Meeting could not passe it as their Approvement.
II. aˈpprovement2, aˈpprowment Law.
Forms: 5 appro-, aprowe-, aprou-, 5–6 approwe-, approu(e), 7– approvement.
[a. OFr. aproement, aprouement, aprowement, n. of process f. aproer: see approve v.2]
1. The action of making one's profit of, making the best of (e.g. land); hence, the conversion to his own profit, by the lord of the manor, of waste or common land by enclosure and appropriation. Cf. improvement.
1475Bk. Noblesse 64 Labouragis and approwementis of londes and pastures.1482Paston Lett. 863 III. 291 My lord is sette sore to approwement and husbondry.1523Fitzherb. Surv. 15 b, This newe approument maye fortune to encresce of rent or decrese.1691Blount Law Dict., Approvement..is more particularly used for the enclosing part of a Common by the Lord of the Mannor, leaving sufficient nevertheless for the Commoners.1883Baggallay Law Times Rep. 595/1 The onus probandi is on the commoners, and not on the lords, as in the case of approvement.
2. ‘Also used for the profits of the lands themselves. Crompton Jurisd. 152.’ Tomlins Law Dict. 1809. So in OFr.aprowement profit, bénéfice.’ Godefroy. Obs.
1489Plumpton Corr. 88 Send me word what increse and approment ye wyll give.




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