

单词 pansy
释义 I. pansy, n.|ˈpænzɪ|
Forms: 5 pensee, 6 pensy, pawnsy, paunsie, 6–7 pancy, 6–8 pansie, 7– pansy. Also β. 6 pances (?pl.), pawnce, paunse, 6–7 panse, paunce.
[Formerly pensee, pensy, a. F. pensée, pencée (a 1500 in Godef. Compl.), a fanciful application of pensée ‘thought’. The β form panse is not given in Fr. dicts.; but OF. had pense, panse, beside pensée, pansée, in the sense ‘thought’.
A reference to the popular or ‘vulgar’ standing of the name in France occurs in the French botanist Ruel or Ruellius De natura stirpium (1536) 595 ‘Violæ inodoræ genus esse putaverim quam vulgus gallicum penseam vocat’.]
1. a. The common name of Viola tricolor, esp. of the cultivated varieties; the wild plant is a common weed in cornfields, etc., with small flowers compounded of purple, yellow, and white; the cultivated form is a favourite garden plant, with very numerous varieties having large richly and variously coloured flowers. Also called heartsease, q.v., and dialectally and locally by various fanciful names, as kiss-me-at-the-garden-gate, love-in-idleness, three-faces-under-a-hood, etc.
a1500Assembly of Ladies 62 With margarettes growing in ordinaunce..Ne-m'oublie-mies and sovenez also; The povre pensees were not disloged there.1530Palsgr. 251/2 Pancy floure, menve pencee [cf. 231/1 Hertesease, menve pensee].Ibid. 253/1 Pensy floure, pensee.1592Greene Upst. Courtier in Harl. Misc. (Malh.) II. 217 The checkerd paunsie, or party coloured harts ease.1597Gerarde Herbal ii. ccxcix. §1. 703 Harts ease is named..Pansies, Liue in Idlenes.1629Parkinson Paradisi in Sole lii. 283 In English Hartsease, and Pansies of the French name Pensees. Some giue it foolish names, as Loue in idlenesse, Cull me to you, and Three faces in a hood.1637Milton Lycidas 144 The Pansie freakt with jeat.1697Dryden Virg. Past. ii. 66 Pancies to please the Sight, and Casia sweet to smell.1771Langhorne Fables of Flora, Violet & Pansy vii, On that fair bank a Pansy grew, That borrow'd from indulgent skies A velvet shade and purple hue.1866Treas. Bot. 1218 The endless varieties of Heartsease, or Pansy, are all derived from the cornfield weed V[iola] tricolor, and the allied species V. altaica from Tartary, and V. grandiflora from Switzerland.
β1548Turner Names of Herbes H v, Called in english two faces in a hoode or panses.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. Apr. 142 The pretie Pawnce And the Cheuisaunce, Shall match with the fayre flowre Delice.1601Holland Pliny xxi. x. 92 The purple March Violet..after them the Panse.1617B. Jonson Vision of Delight 164 The shining Meads Doe boast the Paunce, the Lillie, and the Rose.c1620Robinson Mary Magd. i. 316.
b. A figure or representation of the flower of the pansy as an ornament. [So in 16th c. Fr.]
1553Richmond Wills 76, I beqhweytt and gyff to my broder Constable my pawnsy of golde with the ruby in it.
c. Comb., as pansy-culture, pansy-flower, pansy-grower, pansy-growing, pansy-tint, pansy-velvet; pansy-coloured, pansy-dark, pansy-like, pansy-purple, pansy-violet, pansy-yellow adjs.[Cf. F. pensée ‘couleur d'un violet brun’ (Littré).] 1891Daily News 22 June 6/2 A yoke of pansy-coloured velvet.1909Daily Chron. 18 Mar. 10/3 Lady Kenmare in black and Georgiana Lady Dudley, tall and beautiful in pansy-coloured cloth, were Lady Mayo's assistants.
1897Westm. Gaz. 26 Jan. 10/1 He turned his attention to pansy-culture.
1862G. M. Hopkins Vision of Mermaids (1929), Their pansy-dark or bronzen locks were strung With coral shells.
a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII 81 The Frenche kyng & his bend..with garlondes of friers knottes of white satten, and in euery garlond liij. paunse flowers, whiche signified, thinke on Fraunces.
1865R. Buchanan Sutherland's Pansies iv, But pansy-growing made his heart within Blow fresh.
1898Atlantic Monthly Apr. 460/1 The velvety, pansy-like variety of the birdfoot violet.
1898Daily News 11 May 4/4 A gown of pansy-purple velvet.1901Westm. Gaz. 13 July 2/1 A wild upheaval of pansy-purple volcano-shaped peaks.1940C. Day Lewis tr. Virgil's Georgics iv. 89 Eridanus, than which through fertile lands no river Rushes with more momentum to the pansy-purple sea.
2. The colour of a pansy; spec. a shade of blue or purple.
1914Joyce Dubliners 227 A red-faced young woman, dressed in pansy.1926Eaton's News Weekly 26 June 13/1 Bathing suit...in blue, cardinal, pansy, black.1935Amer. Speech X. 193/2 The following terms are applied to blue..: slate, aster, indigo, pansy, [etc.].
3. a. An effeminate man; a male homosexual.
1929M. Lief Hangover 210 ‘Say, what do you know about this?’ he said. ‘One of those pansies was trying to date me up!’1937M. Allingham Dancers in Mourning xiv. 192 You don't want to feel that every other user of the road privately feels that your club is nothing but a pack of pansies on bicycles.1947A. P. Gaskell in D. M. Davin N.Z. Short Stories (1953) 276 He struck a chesty attitude standing naked on the seat. ‘Do I look like a pansy?’ ‘Not with that thing.’1956[see camp a. (and n.5)].1957[see boy friend, boy-friend s.v. boy n.1 7].1960J. Betjeman Summoned by Bells ix. 98 There Bignose plays the organ And the pansies all sing flat.1967G. Jackson Let. 16 May in Soledad Brother (1971) 115 They make emotional pansies of the boys with that sanctimonious dogma.1971F. Forsyth Day of Jackal xx. 335, I don't like you in that stuff. It makes you look like all those nasty pansies back in there.1975Amer. N. & Q. XIII. 146/2 Evidence that Sir Thopas is a ‘pansy’ or a ‘queer’, who would be ridiculed as a homosexual.1976Botham & Donnelly Valentino vii. 52 A group of degenerate art students, most of whom he considered pansies.
b. Comb., as pansy-ass, pansy-boy.
1934New Statesman 15 Sept. 318/2 Reminiscences of the fate of Heines and Röhm were reflected in shouts about ‘pansy-boys’.1976N. Thornburg Cutter & Bone viii. 192 He learned all about the ingratitude and stupidity of the man's..pansy-ass sons.
II. ˈpansy, a.
[f. pansy n. 3.]
Effeminate; homosexual; affected. So ˈpansyish a.
1929J. Devanny Riven xvii. 112 ‘Thanks. Don't bother.’ The voice was warm... A rich telephone voice. To an artist a pansy voice; a purple pansy.1934M. Hodge Wind & Rain iii. 83 She'll forget all about it, in the arms of Roger Cole! I think he's pansy, anyhow.1942E. Paul Narrow St. xxxvi. 323 Pierre..started sending affectionate notes to certain homosexual French officers who were rabidly anti-Left... One by one, these pansy reactionaries began to disappear from their units.1951‘E. Crispin’ Long Divorce viii. 84 I'd want her to be walking out with a decent lad, not a pansy little foreign gramophone-record.1953E. Taylor Sleeping Beauty ii. 27 Laurence leant awkwardly against the chimney-piece in a rather pansyish pose.1971Daily Tel. 21 Aug. 3/4 ‘Most of these new designs are too pansy, too effeminate,’ said Leading Seaman Robert Nelson.
III. ˈpansy, v.
[f. pansy n. 3]
a. trans. To dress or adorn in an affected or effeminate manner. Freq. refl. and const. up.
b. intr. To act or walk in an effeminate manner.
1946‘Brahms’ & ‘Simon’ Trottie True 154 Luke Lovelock had pansied himself into a feature of every fashionable production. Luke had such perfect taste.1951N. Marsh Opening Night i. 27 The theatre was shut dahn for a long while until they 'ad it all altered and pansied up.1966J. Wainwright Crystallised Carbon Pig xxxix. 172 Originally, his hair had been mousy brown. He'd tried to pansy himself up—and failed.1972M. Kenyon Shooting of Dan McGrew i. 10 It's over a month old..and the last word from McGrew before he went pansying off.




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