

单词 paralysis
释义 paralysis|pəˈrælɪsɪs|
Also 6 -lisis, (-lices).
[a. L. paralysis, a. Gr. παράλυσις, f. παραλύ-ειν to loose from beside, disable, enfeeble, f. παρα- beside + λύειν to loose. The word occurs already in OE. in the Gr.-L. accus. form paralisin (so in 12th c. Fr.); but the ME. and 16th c. form from Fr. was paralysie: see paralysie.]
1. Path.
a. A disease or affection of the nervous system, characterized by impairment or loss of the motor or sensory function of the nerves, esp. of those belonging to a particular part or organ, thus producing (partial or total) incapacity of motion, insensibility, or functional inactivity in such part. (The earlier name, still in popular use, was palsy.)
[c1000Sax. Leechd. II. 12 Læcedomas wiþ paralisin, þæt is on englisc, lyft adl.]1525tr. Brunswick's Surg. lxii. O j b/1 Paralisis of the handes.1527Andrew Brunswyke's Distyll. Waters C ij, Good against paralisis.1563T. Gale Antidot. ii. 76 Thys Oyle is moste precious in paralices.1656Blount Glossogr., Paralysis,..the Palsie.1797M. Baillie Morb. Anat. (1807) 457 A paralysis of a part of the body.a1876Halley Serm. (1879) 50 Distorted with agony, or with convulsion or paralysis.
b. With defining word, as Bell's paralysis, crossed paralysis, crutch paralysis, diver's paralysis, etc.: see palsy n.1; general paralysis: see quots.; also called general paralysis of the insane [tr. F. paralysie générale des aliénés (L. F. Calmeil De la Paralysie considérée chez les Aliénés (1826) 9], and now recognized as a form of neurosyphilis. So general paralytic, an individual with general paralysis.
1820Edin. Med. & Surg. Jrnl. XVI. 373 Dissection of a case of general paralysis... The disease of the brain seemed to have originated in indolence and chagrin from the sudden loss of fortune.1847Further Rep. Commissioners in Lunacy 46 in Parl. Papers (Brit. Libr.) XLIX. 291 The forms of insanity, which are occasioned by extreme indigence and privation,..are of the worst kind, and..many of them have invariably a fatal termination. [Note] This is particularly observable in the very frequent form of paralysis, termed the general paralysis of the insane.1856Jrnl. Mental Sci. III. 170 General paralytics are not malignant, and although sometimes furious, their passion is gusty and transient.Ibid. 172 In general paralysis, the pathological conditions of which involve the whole nervous system, the excito motory sensibility is almost abolished.1873T. H. Green Introd. Pathol. (ed. 2) 26 This is seen in the various forms of paralysis, especially in the so-called ‘essential paralysis’ of children.1893Syd. Soc. Lex., Paralysis, general, of insane..a disease usually affecting persons near the prime of life, and characterised by a stage of mental excitement with exalted delusions, followed by dementia; it is accompanied by a varying amount of loss of muscular power.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. II. 857 There are cases of general paralysis in which the bodily symptoms are present without any mental alteration.1925Amer. Speech I. 24/2 The disease ‘general paralysis’, also known as paresis, usually is spoken of as softening of the brain.1930Daily Express 8 Sept. 1/1 Formerly every person developing general paralysis of the insane died after a period of distressing symptoms and agony.1941T. Warwick Handbk. Venereal Dis. v. 53 The great majority of general paralytics are men.1964King & Nicol Venereal Dis. v. 62 In all cases of general paralysis, tests of the mental status should be carried out.1970W. J. Brown et al. Syphilis & Other Venereal Dis. vii. 125 The common types of neurosyphilis are tabes dorsalis, general paralysis of the insane, and meningovascular neurosyphilis.
c. paralysis agitans [L. agitans shaking], Parkinson's disease, shaking palsy.
1817J. Parkinson Ess. Shaking Palsy in M. Critchley James Parkinson (1955) 153 (heading) Shaking palsy. (Paralysis Agitans.)1845Encycl. Metrop. VII. 548/2 Paralysis Agitans..consists of a feeble trembling action of the muscles, not amounting to palsy.1888W. R. Gowers Man. Dis. Nervous Syst. II. 594 The great characteristic of the tremor of paralysis agitans is, as Parkinson pointed out, that it continues during rest.1909[see Parkinson1].1941Brit. Jrnl. Psychol. XXXII. 5 Only a few years after the conclusion of the peace he fell a tragic victim to that incurably fatal disease of the central nervous system, paralysis agitans.1973Neurology XXIII. 215 (heading) Prevalence of neoplasms and causes of death in paralysis agitans.
2. fig. A condition of utter powerlessness, incapacity of action, or suspension of activity; the state of being ‘crippled’, helpless, or impotent.
1813J. Randolph 30 Aug. in Life of Jos. Quincy, The whole country..is in a state of paralysis.1831Carlyle Sart. Res. i. ii, Let him strive to keep a free, open sense; cleared from the mists of prejudice, above all from the paralysis of cant.1882Times 13 June 11 The deeds..by which the paralysis of law is accomplished.




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