

单词 parasitism
释义 parasitism|ˈpærəsaɪˌtɪz(ə)m|
[f. parasite n. + -ism. Cf. F. parasitisme (Littré).]
1. The practice of living on or at the expense of another; sycophancy, servile complaisance.
1611Cotgr., Escorniflerie,..base Parasitisme, ieasting, or tale-carrying, for victuals.1659Gauden Serm. etc. (1660) A iv b, Parasitisme differs as much from just and comely praise, as Divels do from good Angels.1860A. L. Windsor Ethica v. 221 Nor was venality and parasitism less its characteristic than at the worst times of the Restoration.1874Coues Birds N.W. 181 Among mammals we have pure parasitism in the asserted relations of the jackal and lion.1899Westm. Gaz. 28 Nov. 2/2 Accepting the conditions of parasitism imposed by his time upon the poet and the preacher.1974Times 19 June 16/5 One of them [sc. Russian Jews], Vitali Rubin, was..told that he had 15 days to get a job, otherwise he would be tried for parasitism, a charge entailing a heavy prison sentence.1975Nature 17 Apr. 554/3 Methods mentioned include the issue of call-up papers for retraining in the Soviet Army.., prosecution for ‘parasitism’ (being without employment, although the scientists concerned have been deprived of their jobs as a result of applications for exit visas), [etc.].1976Ibid. 3 June 363/1 Some 20 scientists called in to regional police headquarters in Moscow were told that if they did not commence working within two weeks they would be charged under the ‘parasitism’ law, which covers such offences as prostitution, drug addiction, and alcoholism.
2. Biol. The condition of being a (plant or animal) parasite; parasitical quality or habits.
1853G. Johnston Nat. Hist. E. Bord. I. 258 Numerous microscopic Algae deform the cleanness of the stems by their excessive parasitism.1870Rolleston Anim. Life p. xix, The special habit of parasitism..must be regarded as entailing a true morphological degradation.
3. Path. Parasitical infestation; disease caused by the agency of parasites.
1884Public Opinion 12 Sept. 335/1 Vegetarians..flattered themselves..they escaped the ills of parasitism.1898H. W. Conn Story Germ Life v. 172 The severity of the disease will depend upon the extent of the parasitism.




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