

单词 resistance
释义 resistance|rɪˈzɪstəns|
Also 6 -aunce, 6 resystaunce.
[a. F. résistance, later form of resistence resistence: see resist v. and -ance.]
1. a. The act, on the part of persons, of resisting, opposing, or withstanding. Const. to, of.
1417in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. ii. I. 59 To putt therwith a greate fortificacion aboute the same for resistance of the sayd enimies.1535Coverdale Eccl. iv. 12 One maye be ouercome, but two maye make resistaunce.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 72 They tende to a publique peace, and to the resistaunce of Christes ennemies.1651Hobbes Leviath. ii. xxx. 175 Such is all resistance to the essentiall Rights of Soveraignty.1687A. Lovell tr. Thevenot's Trav. i. 229 They met with a stout resistance.1729Butler Serm. Wks. 1874 II. 95 Cases..in which sudden resistance is the only security.1769Junius Lett. xvi. (1788) 99 There is yet a spirit of resistance in this country, which will not submit to be oppressed.1827Southey Hist. Penins. War II. 596 The efforts..for organizing a civic and national resistance.1874Green Short Hist. viii. §5. 499 The threat, however, failed to break the resistance of the Commons.
b. passive resistance: see as a main entry.
c. Organized covert opposition to an occupying or ruling power; spec. (usu. with def. article and capital initial) in the war of 1939–45, the underground movement formed in France in June 1940 with the object of resisting the authority of the German occupying forces and the Vichy government; any organization of this type with similar ends.
1939War Illustr. 28 Oct. 217/1 Underground resistance to Hitler has been organized amongst the workers in all the big industrial centres of Germany.1940Times 19 June 6/3 General de Gaulle..broadcast from London a message to the French nation last night. The text of his speech..is as follows:..Whatever happens the flame of French resistance must not and shall not be extinguished.1946A. Huxley Let. 28 Mar. (1969) 541, I was sent a number of French books recently... Novels about the Resistance— half heroism, half unutterable moral squalor.1959Listener 17 Sept. 454/3 To judge by the atmosphere of this tale the resistance in Denmark must have been a less desperate affair than it was in many parts of Europe.1967Freedomways VII. 143 The men and women who have been notable in African history—not only the rulers and statesmen, but also the educators and scholars, writers and artists, religious leaders, heroes of resistance.1976H. Tracy Death in Reserve xxii. 170 In this area, Sanglier had been an important man in the Resistance.1981Guardian 2 June 6/7 In the many rural areas [of Afghanistan] under the control of the resistance and unchallenged by the Russians, the insurgents impose their own curfew.
2. a. Power or capacity of resisting.
1590Sir J. Smyth Disc. Weapons 4 b, If they were of diuerse lengths..and thereby..of lesse force and resistance.1667Milton P.L. vi. 838 They astonisht all resistance lost, All courage.1703Moxon Mech. Exerc. 256 When the Earth on which we would make Pillars or Piers is of [un]equal resistance, that is to say, not good.1753Chambers Cycl. Suppl. s.v., In the comparing together the resistances to all velocities.1894H. S. Maxim in Daily News 4 June 5/7 Provided he can produce something which has greater resistance for its weight than steel or copper bronzes.1897M. Kingsley W. Africa 637 Not that these good people have a greater resistance to the fever than the Jamaica Christians.1953Sun (Baltimore) (b ed.) 9 Sept. 3/4 How germs develop resistance to the drugs.1968[see resistant a. 2].
b. Psychoanalysis. Opposition, freq. unconscious, to allowing memories or desires which have been repressed as unacceptable or disruptive to emerge into the conscious mind.
1905Psychol. Bull. II. 256 Resistance (in the form of indifference, etc.), would greatly delay the inquiry.1909A. A. Brill tr. Freud's Sel. Papers on Hysteria vii. 167, I started with the presupposition that..this paranoia must contain unconscious thoughts and repressed reminiscences which have to be brought to consciousness..by overcoming a certain resistance.1913E. Jones Papers on Psycho-Anal. i. 6 Whenever an individual considers a given process as being too obvious to permit any investigation into its origin, and shows resistance to such an investigation, we are right in suspecting that the actual origin is concealed from him.1924J. Riviere tr. Freud's On Psychotherapy in Coll. Papers I. 254 It [sc. a technique of suggestion] does not permit us..to recognize the resistance with which the patient clings to his disease and thus even fights against his own recovery.1936M. M. Green tr. Reik's Surprise & Psycho-Analyst iv. 52 We have discovered resistance in analysis as the emotional expression of this opposition.1951P. M. Symonds Ego & Self xii. 175 In order to defend the ego against anxiety, resistances are built up against the recognition of these unconscious impulses.1964E. Krapf tr. Caruso's Existential Psychol. iii. i. 150 Placing the burden of resistance on the patient alone provides a good excuse for one's own incapacity and totalitarian one-sidedness.1977C. F. Monte Beneath Mask ii. 53 Resistance to recall is one evidence of motivated forgetting or repression.
c. In Comb. with a preceding n., as crease resistance, resistance to creasing, etc.
1932[see drug-resistance s.v. drug n.1 3].1947[see crease n.2 5].1959Times 12 Jan. 11/4 Gives shrink, stretch, and rot-resistance.1959[see flame-resistance s.v. flame n. 10].1966Economist 8 Jan. 113/1 There are now two processes..for giving man-made fibre garments a permanent press. This builds up crease resistance in normal wear.1973R. G. Krueger et al. Introd. Microbiol. xv. 422/1 Transmissible drug resistance was discovered..around 1960.
3. a. Opposition of one material thing to another material thing, force, etc.
1625N. Carpenter Geogr. Del. i. iv. (1635) 80 The Heauens in their motion find no resistance.1645Waller My lady Isabella, Musick so softens and disarms the mind, That not an arrow does resistance find.1659Hammond On Ps. lxxxix. 13 Above all the oppositions and resistances in nature.1715Gregory Elem. Astron. (1726) II. 710 They are stopp'd and repell'd by the Resistance of the neighbouring Vortices.1838Civ. Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. I. 374/2 Whereby he imparts great additional strength or power of resistance to the said metal rails and bars.1880Geikie Phys. Geogr. iv. 284 The rocks offering many varying degrees of resistance to erosion, they are worn down unequally.
b. esp. in the physical sciences, the opposition offered by one body to the pressure or movement of another.
1656tr. Hobbes' Elem. Philos. (1839) 211, I define resistance to be the endeavour of one moved body..contrary to the endeavour of another moved body.1690Locke Hum. Und. ii. iv. §3 All the Bodies in the World, pressing a drop of Water on all sides, will never be able to overcome the Resistance it will make.1710J. Clarke Rohault's Nat. Philos. (1729) I. 123 If I put my Finger to any of its Parts, I ought to feel the Resistance.1777Priestley Matt. & Spir. (1782) I. ii. 16 The cause of all resistance is repulsive power.1831Lardner Hydrost. ix. 192 The resistance of different fluids will be different according to their specific gravities.c1860Faraday Forces Nat. i. 41 The resistance of the air having been avoided.1883Encycl. Brit. XV. 751/1 Where the line representing the total resistance exerted at that joint intersects the joint.
pl.1753Chambers Cycl. Suppl. s.v., Though the hypothesis of a fluid..be of great use in explaining the nature of resistances.1797Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) XVI. 92/2 Of all the resistances of bodies to each [other], there is..none of greater importance than the resistance or reaction of fluids.1840Civ. Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. III. 89/2 To overcome what are called the friction and resistances of the engine.1855J. R. Leifchild Cornwall 186 A steam pressure of 150 lbs, exclusive of engine resistances.
c. Hence line of resistance.
1851Catal. Gt. Exhib. 374 Forming a diagonal line of traction in the direct line of resistance.1851Ruskin Stones Ven. (1874) I. x. 122 This moral character of the arch is called by architects its ‘Line of Resistance’.
d. line, etc., of least resistance: (see quot. 1871); also fig., the easiest method or course of action.
1865Mill Auguste Comte 101 In the play of antagonistic forces, the path it [sc. our intelligence] points out is (in scientific phraseology) the direction of least resistance.1871G. E. Voyle Dict. Artillery Terms (ed. 2) 185/2 Line of least resistance, in blasting or mining, is a line drawn from the centre of the charge perpendicular to the surface of the ground.Ibid. 213/1 By taking 1/10 of the cube of the line of least resistance in feet, the proper charge of powder..is given in pounds.1903G. B. Shaw Man & Superman iii. 134 This Life Force says to him ‘I have done a thousand wonderful things unconsciously by merely willing to live and following the line of least resistance: now I want to know myself and my destination, and choose my path.’1908W. McDougall Introd. Social Psychol. vii. 179 He often seems to act, not in the line of least resistance, but in the line of greatest resistance.1923W. G. Boulton Blasting with High Explosives xv. 45 L = Line of least resistance in feet... The line of resistance is the shortest distance from the chamber to the surface.1931Economist 7 Feb. 300/2 This was no doubt the line of least resistance, when money had to be found.1954M. Sharp Gipsy in Parlour xxiv. 233 He took by nature the line of least resistance.1967C. V. Bark See Living Crocodiles xi. 184 It is taking the line of least resistance. It saves trouble.
4. a. Non-conductivity in respect of electricity, magnetism, or heat; spec. resistance to an unvarying electric current.
1760J. Wesley Desideratum 17 While the electric fire, which is in all bodies, is left to itself, undisturb'd by any external violence, it is more or less dense... And there is some resistence to every endeavour of altering its density... This resistence is least in metals, minerals, water, quick⁓silver, animals and vegetables... In these bodies the resistence is greater, when their surface are polish'd.1767J. Priestley Hist. Electricity 116 The difference between electric and non electric bodies was owing to the different resistance..to the passage of the electric fluid.1860G. B. Prescott Electr. Telegr. 279 A conductor, in fact, whose resistance is nothing.1871B. Stewart Heat (ed. 2) §282 To determine the thermal resistance of various liquids.1888Philos. Mag. XXV. 422, I will now for a moment compare the case of magnetic resistance with a natural case of ordinary resistance.1963A. F. Abbott Ordinary Level Physics xxxvii. 479 The resistance of a wire depends on its dimensions and the material from which it is made.1975[see resistor].
b. A part of an electrical apparatus used to offer a definite resistance to a current, a resistor.
1878Encycl. Brit. VIII. 45/2 In the quicksilver agometer of Müller..the resistance is formed by a column of mercury of variable length.1894Daily News 6 Sept. 6/2 Lowering electric lights after the manner applied to gas, and without the use of resistances.
5. piece of resistance, = F. pièce de résistance (see pièce b).
1797Burke Regic. Peace iv. Wks. IX. 7 Our appetite demands a piece of resistance.1858Hogg Life Shelley I. 459 The good girl liked a piece of resistance, a solid tome.1894Du Maurier Trilby I. 239 The pieces of resistance and plum-pudding and mince-pies.
6. attrib. and Comb., as resistance-attribute, resistance pile; (sense 1 c) resistance cell, resistance club, resistance fighter, resistance figure, resistance forces, resistance group, resistance hero, resistance man, resistance movement, resistance network, resistance plan, resistance work, resistance worker; (sense 4 a) resistance-capacitance, resistance-capacity (both used attrib.), resistance-coupling; resistance-coupled adj.; resistance-box, Electr., a box containing one or more resistance coils (Knight Dict. Mech. 1875); also transf.; resistance coil (see quot. 1873); so resistance helix; resistance furnace, an electric furnace which is heated by passing a current through elements of high resistance; resistance-piece, = sense 5; resistance pyrometer, a form of resistance thermometer suitable for use at high temperatures; resistance thermometer, a temperature-measuring device in which the change in electrical resistance with temperature of a platinum or other metallic wire is measured; resistance transfer factor Biol., a plasmid that promotes the transfer from one bacterium to another of a genetic determinant for drug resistance; resistance welding, a method of welding in which the heat to cause fusion of the metals is produced by the passage of an electric current through the contact resistance between the two surfaces, these being held together by mechanical pressure.
1862H. Spencer First Princ. ii. iii. §48 (1875) 166 The *resistance-attribute of matter must be regarded as primordial.
1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VII. 250 The great splanchnic area forms the *resistance box of the circulation.
1942E. Williams Thermionic Valve Circuits iii. 33 The condenser, C2, is therefore omitted and the circuit becomes the orthodox *Resistance-capacitance Coupling circuit.Ibid. 69 Consider the resistance-capacitance coupled circuit.1962Simpson & Richards Physical Princ. Junction Transistors ix. 208 A resistance-capacitance coupled amplifier.
1924P. J. Risdon Wireless xxvii. 221 In the case of resistance or *resistance-capacity coupling, instead of an inductance coil, a high resistance is employed for establishing the necessary differences of potential.1962Simpson & Richards Physical Princ. Junction Transistors v. 88 Many audio and low radio-frequency amplifiers, having resistance-capacity coupling between stages.1972D. Ramsay Little Murder Music 139, I succeeded in making my way to a resistance cell.
1945Sun (Baltimore) 6 Oct. 2/5 German underground units, composed chiefly of Hitler youth and former prisoners of war, were springing up in all parts of Germany, with some secret ‘*resistance clubs’ reviving the worst of Nazism.
1862Catal. Internat. Exhib., Brit. II. No. 2867 *Resistance Coils, for testing the position of a fault in telegraph conductors from a distant station.1873Maxwell Electr. & Magn. (1881) I. 429 A Resistance Coil is a conductor capable of being easily placed in the voltaic circuit, so as to introduce into the circuit a known resistance.
1931Moyer & Wostrel Radio Handbk. xiii. 684 *Resistance-coupled amplifiers. A typical circuit in which the amplifier is connected by the method of resistance coupling.1962Simpson & Richards Physical Princ. Junction Transistors ix. 219 A relatively heavily loaded resistance-coupled stage operating over a reasonably long range of ambient temperature.
1921J. Scott-Taggart Thermionic Tubes vi. 207 A form of coupling between successive valves in an amplifier which has been of considerable use is that known as ‘*resistance coupling’.
1963Listener 14 Feb. 304/2 He joins up with various bands of multi-racial *resistance fighters.1976H. Tracy Death in Reserve xxii. 172 The local gendarmerie, guided by the old Resistance fighters,..covered the flanks.
1958Times Lit. Suppl. 21 Mar. 149/1 The sexual fantasies of various *Resistance and non-resistant figures.
1944*Resistance forces [see E.A.M. s.v. E. III].1959Listener 16 Apr. 674/3 Fighting between Tibetan resistance forces and the Chinese.
1904M. Maclean Mod. Electr. Pract. V. 239 To prevent more or less arcing in what is ostensibly a *resistance furnace.1928Jrnl. Iron & Steel Inst. CXVII. 853 Materials of construction for electric resistance furnaces, and the advantages of the latter over fuel-fired furnaces, are described.
1957*Resistance group [see courier n. 1 b].1974J. Thomson Long Revenge ii. 22 For reasons of security, Mercer wasn't put in direct touch with the local Resistance group.
1884Knight Dict. Mech. Suppl. 752/2 Such unequal action is remedied by the provision of a high *resistance helix shunting the arc.
1975N. Freeling What are Bugles blowing For? vii. 45 Was he a *Resistance hero then?
1945Daily Herald 8 May 4/8 The Germans..started shooting at Dutch *Resistance men.
Ibid. 28 May 4/2 Armed forces of the Danish *resistance movement have passed a resolution..demanding the arrests [sic] of all collaborators.1953Encounter Nov. 6/2 The rising sales of even the most expensive Japanese garments..were taken to be a kind of resistance-movement against Western-style attire.1978R. V. Jones Most Secret War xxiii. 189 It would be some time before the Resistance movements began to operate coherently.
1969F. Halliday in Cockburn & Blackburn Student Power 317 Students also provided the cadres for the various *resistance networks..which channelled arms, funds and information to the FLN.
1895C. Scott Apple Orchards 87 The *resistance piece was in the wicker basket.
1838Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. I. 374/1 What is called a *resistance pile, with one of the patentee's blocks or chairs.
1944Daily Tel. 15 May 4 Mr. Wareing reveals..the existence of a *Resistance plan to seize power.
1899Physical Rev. VIII. 197 The failure of Siemens' *resistance pyrometer was simply due to faulty construction.1920Whittaker's Electr. Engineer's Pocket-bk. (ed. 4) 290 Resistance pyrometers. For exact readings when temperature is steady... Range: minus 200° up to 1000° C.1959Jrnl. Iron & Steel Inst. CXCIII. 318/3 He then describes the four main types of pyrometer, namely, the optical pyrometer, the resistance pyrometer, the thermocouple, and the radiation pyrometer.
1887Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A. CLXXVIII. 164 In comparing the platinum *resistance thermometer with other instruments, it will be seen that it is essentially practical.1920Whittaker's Electr. Engineer's Pocket-bk. (ed. 4) 286 The Callendar compensated resistance thermometer consists of a pure platinum wire wound on a mica or fireclay frame and connected by stout copper or platinum leads to terminals in the thermometer head.1959Resistance thermometer [see conductivity 2].
1960Watanabe & Fukasawa in Biochem. & Biophys. Res. Communications III. 664 Each resistance factor is not a transmissible factor in itself but..the resistance factors are carried by some transmissible factor... We propose to refer to this factor as ‘*resistance transfer factor (RTF)’ tentatively.1965Times 26 Feb. 15/3 The resistance transfer factor, like the sex factor, may stimulate conjugation—so that resistance can sweep rapidly through a colony.1970Passmore & Robson Compan. Med. Stud. II. xviii. 57/2 Resistance transfer factors represent a world-wide problem which is becoming increasingly serious.
1914Proc. Inst. Mech. Engin. 170 The best, the most controllable and the least likely method of injuring the material, which gave the most uniform satisfactory results, was electric *resistance welding.1927[see metallic a. 1 h].1975Bram & Downs Manuf. Technol. ii. 61 Resistance-welding techniques are characterised by the absence of flux or filler.
1959Listener 17 Sept. 454/3 They are engaged in sabotage and *resistance work.
1962L. Deighton Ipcress File 221 Grenade was a *resistance worker in 1940 when..every one else in France was rooting for Marshal Pétain.1974J. Thomson Long Revenge ii. 23 A suspected French Resistance worker.




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