

单词 parel
释义 I. ˈparel, parail, n. Obs.
Forms: 4 parail, -aille, 4–5 -aile, -ayl(e, 5 -ayll, -eylle, 6 parrelle, 6–7 parrell, -el, parel, -ell.
[Aphetic form of ME. aparail, apparel, q.v.]
1. Preparation, equipment: = apparel n. 1.
c1400Laud Troy Bk. 17501 We schal come on suche parayle That..Off his purpos schal he be rent.c1450Cov. Myst. xxv. (Shaks. Soc.) 246 Jewgys that knowyth the parayl..this matere to amende.
2. A body of troops: = array n. 4.
13..Coer de L. 1644 Kyng Rychard wente, with hys parayle, To Marcyle they ganne ryde.1511–12Act 3 Hen. VIII, c. 3 Preamble, Much partey of the cominalte and parell of the Realme..be not of power nor abilitie to bye theym longbowes.
3. Apparatus, outfit, furniture, tackle: = apparel n. 2, 3.
c1420Chron. Vilod. 448 Þis chapelle..wt alle þe pareylle þt longede þerto.14..in Tundale's Vis. (1843) 114 Or of hur bed was ther any perayle of gold or sylke.1532in Weaver Wells Wills (1890) 120 All the parell belongyn to the plowe.
b. Clothing, array, attire: = apparel n. 5.
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xi. 228 For his pore paraille and pylgrymes wedes.1393Ibid. C. xiii. 131 In þe parail of a pilgrim.a1400Octouian 1680 Melk whyte armes, yn ryme I rede, Was hare parayle.a1547Surrey æneid iv. 337 A shining parel..of Tirian purple.1647Ward Simp. Cobler 14 Fling all his old parrell after him.
4. Ornament, decoration: = apparel n. 7, 7 b; cf. parure 1.
1546Inv. Ch. Goods Yorksh., etc. (Surtees) 138 Two albes and parrelles [MS. transcript parrettes] of ymagerye.1554Ludlow Churchw. Acc. (Camden) 58 Item, for porrelz for albis..vjd.1698Lond. Gaz. No. 3370/4 Stole.., one piece of..Cloth,..marked in the Parrel, I O H.
b. A chimney-piece, mantelpiece.
1532–3in Bayley Hist. Tower London (1821) I. App. Pt. i. xxix, The settyng of vij. new parells in vij. chymneys..ev'y parell' v. fote in wydnes.1541in Rogers Agric. & Prices III. 571/2 (Dartford) Parells of stone for chimneys.1845Parker Gloss. Archit. (ed. 4), Parrell,..a chimney⁓piece; A set of dressings or ornaments for a fire-place.
5. A preparation of eggs, etc. put into wine to refine it (see quots.).
1594Plat Jewell-ho. iii. 66 Which parrell for the most part in one night will cause them [the wines] to fine.a1700B. E. Dict. Cant. Crew, Parell, Whites of Eggs, Bay-Salt, Milk and Conduit-Water beat together, and poured into a Vessel of Wine..in order to Fine it.1703Art & Myst. Vintners 14 They make a Parell of burn'd Alum, Bay-Salt, and Conduit Water.
6. (?) Cf. apparel n. 6.
a1330Roland & V. 196 Fele þousand of sarazines, Swiþe heyȝe of parail.1390Gower Conf. III. 119 Lich to tuo twinnes of mankinde..So be thei bothe of o parail.c1400St. Alexius (MS. Laud 622) 27/165 To þe chirche of seint Bonefas Wiþ þis maiden þai token þe pas, Þat heiȝe was of paraile.Ibid. 56/810 He hidde þere noman shulde ywite, His book of gode paraile.1528Paynel Salerne's Regim. H, The ruddier wines of the same parell are more nouryshyng than white.
7. Naut. See parrel.
II. ˈparel, parail, v. Obs.
Forms: 4 parayle, 4–5 parail, 5 parael, parrail, -aille, parell, parele, parrel, 6 parall, 7 parel.
[Aphetic form of ME. aparail, -ayle, apparel v., q.v.]
1. trans. To prepare, get ready, put in order: = apparel v. 1.
a1400–50Alexander 480 Þis dere kyng..Had parreld him a proude feste.Ibid. 765 (Ashm.) He parrails [Dubl. apperels] him a proude ost of princes & oþire.
b. To give a ‘parel’ to (wine): see prec. 5.
1615Markham Eng. Housew. ii. iv. (1668) 113 Parel it with six Eggs, yolks and all, one handfull of bay salt, and a pint of conduit water to every parel.
2. To clothe, dress, array, attire: = apparel v. 5.
c1350Will. Palerne 1990 Al þe pepul is parayled and passed to cherche.1393Langl. P. Pl. C. iii. 224 Ac marchauns metten with hym [Guile]..And parailed hym lyke here prentys.14..Thomas of Erceldoune (ed. 1875) 94 But I am a lady of anoþer cuntre, If I be parellid moost of price.
3. To adorn, embellish: = apparel v. 7.
a1510Douglas K. Hart i. ix, And said he suld it parall all with fyn And fresche delyt, with mony florist floure.
III. parel, -e
obs. forms of peril.




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