

单词 parent
释义 I. parent, n.|ˈpɛərənt|
[a. OF. parent (11th c. in Littré, pl. parenz, parens (cf. Eng. pl. parence in 16–17th c.) = Pr. parent, paren, Sp. pariente, Pg., It. parente:—L. parent-em (nom. parens), n. use of old pr. pple. of parĕre to produce, bring forth, beget; prop. a father or mother, or by extension, an ancestor; in mod. Romanic langs. any kinsman.]
1. a. A person who has begotten or borne a child; a father or mother. Also parent-in-law, a father-in-law or mother-in-law.
c1450Mirour Saluacioun 901 To Nazareth was sho had home vntil hire parentes house.1557Seager Sch. Vertue 294 in Babees Bk. 341 In thy parence presence Humbly salute them with all reuerence.1568Grafton Chron. II. 397 He..seased without right or title all the goodes of the sayde Duke Iohn his parent.1623Bp. Hall Contempl., O.T. xviii. iv, Children are but the pieces of their Parents in another skin.1647Husbandman's Plea. agst. Tithes 61 From our Ancestors, and naturall parence.1741Richardson Pamela i, He was not undutiful to his parents.1827Jarman Powell's Devises (ed. 3) II. 335 The bequest was not made by a parent or person standing in loco parentis.1883H. Drummond Nat. Law in Spir. W. (ed. 2) 257 No man can select his own parents.1899Earl Rosebery in Daily News 6 May 4/2 The crusty old parent-in-law.1932E. E. Evans-Pritchard in Sociologus VIII. 411 There may be difficulty later with his parents-in-law because he has taken no steps to protect their daughter from the perils of child-birth.1937R. H. Lowie Hist. Ethnol. Theory vii. 78 This typical parallelist cites many instances of African, American, Australian, and Asiatic parent-in-law avoidance.1972D. Bloodworth Any Number can Play ix. 71 An agent..with parents-in-law in Peking was obviously open to pressure.1976Southern Even. Echo (Southampton) 10 Nov. 24/7 His wife Josephine and five-year-old son Simon, were at Heathrow Airport yesterday, together with his parents-in-law.
b. By extension (already in L.): A progenitor, a forefather; esp. in our first parents, Adam and Eve.
1413Pilgr. Sowle (Caxton 1483) v. xiv. 105 There myght thou beholde thyn owne parentes Adam and Eue.1592Davies Immort. Soul Introd. ii, God's Hand had written in the Hearts Of our First Parents all the Rules of Good.1667Milton P.L. iii. 65 On Earth he first beheld Our two first Parents, yet the onely two Of mankind.1805Southey Madoc in W. viii. Wks. 1838 V. 65 The glad promise, given To our first parent, that at length his sons..Should form one happy family of love.
c. transf. A person who holds the position or exercises the functions of a parent; a protector, guardian; sometimes applied to a father- or mother-in-law. spiritual parent: a sponsor, god-parent; also, a person to whom one owes one's spiritual life or conversion.
1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 9 In the fayth of theyr spirituall parentes.1570Homilies ii. Rebellion iii. (1859) 570 The rebels do not only dishonour their prince, the parent of their country, but also do dishonour and shame their natural parents.1700Dryden Sigism. & Guisc. 358 A publick parent of the state.1888in Charity Organ. Rev. May 231 The ‘house parents’ receive their fixed salary.
2. A relative; a kinsman or kinswoman. [So in Fr. and other Romanic langs.] Obs. or alien. (Common in 16th c.)
a1450Knt. de la Tour (1868) 150 Fulle goodly thei reuerenced and obeyed eche to other as louyng cosynes and parentys.1490Caxton Eneydos xi. 41 The man..ys nyghe kynne and parent of y⊇ goddis.1541R. Copland Guydon's Quest. Chirurg. Q ij b, As bretherne, and cosyns, or other parentes.1585T. Washington tr. Nicholay's Voy. iv. xxvii. 145 b, Being by her next parents brought vnto..her husband.1621J. Reynolds God's Revenge i. 131 Hee sends the chiefest of his Parents to Vermandero.1745Eliza Heywood Female Spect. No. 10 (1748) II. 172 She should be saluted with the frowns and upbraidings of a wronged husband and incensed parent [her uncle].1771E. Griffith Hist. Lady Barton I. 267, I had many times thought of returning to Briançon, of throwing myself at my only surviving parent's feet, and of endeavouring to obtain her pardon.
3. Any organism (animal or plant) considered in relation to its offspring.
1774Goldsm. Nat. Hist. (1776) V. 182 The parent began to change her note, and send forth another cry.1841–71T. R. Jones Anim. Kingd. (ed. 4) 366 The ultimate derivation of every animal is from an egg. Mediately, or immediately, there is always not merely a parent but a mother.1877Darwin Forms of Fl. v. 212 Out of the above 211 seedlings, 173 belonged to the same two forms as their parents, and only 38..to the third form distinct from either parent.
4. fig.
a. That from which another thing springs or is derived; a source, cause, origin. (Usually of things; less commonly of persons, in relation to their ‘productions’.)
1590Shakes. Mids. N. ii. i. 117 And this same progeny of euills, Comes from our debate, from our dissention, We are their parents and originall.1597Hooker Eccl. Pol. v. i. §4 We have reason to think that all true virtues are to honour true religion as their parent.1646Crashaw Steps to Temple 8 Hail sister springs, Parents of silver-forded rills!1754Gray Poesy 14 Parent of sweet and solemn-breathing airs.1841Miall in Nonconf. I. 1 The evils of which it is the parent.1877J. D. Chambers Div. Worship 243 It [the Liturgy of St. James] is undoubtedly the parent of the Armenian Rite.
b. Nuclear Sci. A nuclide that becomes transformed into another nuclide (the ‘daughter’) by nuclear disintegration.
1905E. Rutherford in Phil. Mag. X. 294 The experiment..was also utilized to prove that radium E was the parent of the α ray product radium F.1950[see daughter 6 d].1961G. R. Choppin Exper. Nucl. Chem. vi. 82 If the parent is shorter lived than the daughter, the daughter activity will grow to some maximum value, then decay with its own characteristic half life.1972Smith & Stokes Princ. Atomic & Nucl. Physics xii. 364 The number of atoms of the daughter nuclide decays with either the daughter's or the parent's half-life, whichever is the larger.
5. attrib. and Comb.
a. Appositive (with or without hyphen), chiefly in sense 4; cf. mother-country. (Unlimited in number.)
1646Crashaw Steps to Temple 3 Such the maiden gem..Peeps from her parent stem.1672Dryden 2nd Pt. Conq. Granada iv. iii, Speak, holy shade; thou parent-form, speak on.a1721Prior To C'tess Devonshire 37 When the parent sun with genial beams Has animated many goodly gems.1735Somerville Chace iv. 26 New blooming Honours to the Parent-Tree.1784Cowper Task vi. 446 To let the parent bird go free.1787Sir J. Hawkins Johnson 500 In the contentions between a parent-state and its offspring.1821Shelley Adonais xlvi, So long as fire outlives the parent spark.1868Darwin Anim. & Pl. I. iv. 105 The parent-form must have been a burrowing animal.1870March Compar. Gram. Anglo-S. 2 Theoretical roots..given by grammarians as those of the Parent Speech.1878Guthrie Pract. Physics 46 To find with what pressure the vapour separates itself from the parent liquid.1896[see division 1 f].1903Edin. Rev. Oct. 380 The parent-substance can scarcely have been used up or annihilated.1905E. Rutherford in Phil. Mag. X. 295 The activity of the successive product, when in equilibrium with the parent substance, can be utilized to determine the period of a substance which itself does not emit rays.1909J. Joly Radioactivity & Geol. iii. 57 Detrital sediments are 67 per cent. of the total parent igneous rocks.1914Phil. Mag. XXVIII. 837 It is possible from the disintegration equations of uranium and thorium, and the atomic weights of the parent elements, to calculate the atomic weights of the end products.1934M. Bodkin Archetypal Patterns in Poetry 329 In the psychological study of poetry it seems to me to have value, partly because it helps us to relate to the facts of poetic experience, those facts which Freud has formulated under the hypothesis of the parent-imago, or super-ego.1955[see daughter atom s.v. daughter 7 c].1956Nature 11 Feb. 248/1 The fact that the chief expressive movements are the same throughout the world he regards as affording an argument that we are descended from a single parent-stock.1957G. E. Hutchinson Treat. Limnol. I. xv. 829 One of these isotopes, mesothorium 1, has a half life..long enough for it to undergo some geochemical migration with radium, independently of the parent element thorium.1967H. Hellman Controlled Guidance Syst. vi. 158 The ‘parent’ aircraft can carry a larger transmitter and transmitting antenna than the missile can.1971I. G. Gass et al. Understanding Earth viii. 121/1 The abundance of the common chondrites indicates that most of the parent bodies must have had similar compositions.1978Jrnl. R. Soc. Arts CXXVI. 686/1 In many cases the mechanical properties of EB welds remain unchanged from those of the parent metal.
b. Other combinations. (a) attrib. (b) instrumental, as parent-blest adj.; also parent-like adj. (adv.);
c. parent-cell (Biol.), a cell from which other cells are derived; a cytula; parent–child, used attrib. of or pertaining to both a parent and a child, esp. in phr. parent-child relationship; parent company, a company of which other companies are subsidiaries; parent figure, one who is regarded as having some of the characteristics of a parent; parent-kernel, the nucleus of the fertilized egg-cell; a cytococcus; parent language, a language from which certain other languages are derived; parents' day, a day on which parents visit their children's school; parent ship, a ship which protects smaller vessels or which acts as a base for ships or aircraft; parents' meeting, a meeting of parents with their children's teachers at a school; parent–teacher, used attrib. of or pertaining to parents and the teachers of their children, chiefly in phr. parent–teacher association, a local organization of parents and teachers established to promote closer relations and improve educational facilities; abbrev. P.T.A. s.v. P II.
1880G. Meredith Trag. Com. (1881) 150 He was bent on winning a *parent-blest bride.
1810Lee Odes of Pindar (1810) 486 Forth from thy *parent-bosom swarm'd Thy Dorian sons, to lead the way.
1842S. Lover Handy Andy iii. 36 He earthed himself under his mother's bed in the *parent cabin.
1879tr. Haeckel's Evol. Man I. 176, I therefore assign a peculiar name to the new cell, from which the child really proceeds..usually inaptly called ‘the fertilized egg-cell’..I shall call it the *parent-cell (cytula), and its kernel (nucleus) the *parent-kernel (cytococcus).
1928in Smith Coll. Stud. Social Work (1931) I. 411 (title) A study of *parent-child dependency.1939Auden in I Believe (1940) 26 The family is based on inequality, the parent-child relationship.1942H. Nicolson Diary 28 Aug. (1967) 239 Will that child not come to..lose that atmosphere of sacrifice-gratitude which is the best parent-child relationship?1965M. Morse Unattached i. 70 Strained parent-child relationships were characteristic of the unattached in all areas.1972Guardian 11 Aug. 9/6 The idea is..for parent-child involvement in getting the maximum from the material.
1869Bradshaw's Railway Manual XXI. 5 They would soon be enabled to declare a dividend equal to that of the *parent company.1943J. D. Dawson Tunisian Battle i. 21 Six Simcas, small cars similar to Fiats but manufactured in France for the parent Italian company.1970T. Lupton Managem. & Social Sci. (ed. 2) ii. 47 The American parent company..had taken steps to reduce labour costs.1976Times 1 Mar. 12/4 The British Government did not bind the American parent company [of Chrysler] to continue its operations in Britain for any specific period.
1960I. Bennett Delinquent & Neurotic Children i. 11 The same process that occurs in the rearing of every child, i.e. that of identifying with the *parent-figure and incorporating his ideals.1976S. Hynes Auden Generation ii. 51 In the war, young men..were faced with a real challenge which was yet like a school game: highly competitive..and earning..the approval of parent-figures.
a1835Mrs. Hemans Return Poems (1875) 453 The holy prayer Of the child in his *parent-halls.
1905O. Jespersen Growth & Struct. Eng. Lang. ii. 19 The Arian language..was in course of time differentiated into all these languages, or as the same fact is generally expressed in a metaphor of dubious value, was the *parent-language from which all these languages have descended.1933L. Bloomfield Language xviii. 298 In the case of the Romance languages, we have written records of this parent language, namely, Latin.1965H. A. Gleason Linguistics & Eng. Gram. 33 This reconstructed parent language is now generally called Proto-Indo-European,..abbreviated PIE.1971D. Crystal Linguistics 154 This parent language (Ursprache) was probably more inflected than any of the attested languages.
1608Dod & Cleaver Expos. Prov. xi-xii. 75 Marueilous is the efficacy of a *parentlike blessing.1735Thomson Liberty i. 371 He my great Work Will Parent-like sustain.
1973Times 31 Oct. 10/4 This was certainly *parents' day with a difference. Small groups were escorted round the buildings and shown classrooms stacked with books on Marxism, on Russian geography and on Cuba.1973Listener 15 Nov. 675/3 Parents' Day at their son's prep school.1976C. Storr Unnatural Fathers v. 60 She and Martin..always appeared together at the parents' days at their children's schools.
1933Jane's Fighting Ships 148/3 Beskytteren... Cruising speed is 9 kts... Serves as *parent ship for aircraft.1961F. H. Burgess Dict. Sailing 157 Parent ship, a mother ship to several smaller ones.
1972Guardian 17 Oct. 19/8 The parents who never come to a *parents' meeting or try..to help or influence their children's school.1973‘J. Patrick’ Glasgow Gang Observed viii. 79 He simulated the voice of a form teacher at a parents' meeting.
1899E. Phillpotts Human Boy 197 With fathers or women he [the master] had an expression known as the ‘*parent-smile’.
1915(title) *Parent-teacher associations in the rural and village schools of Oregon.1916Ann. Amer. Acad. Pol. & Social Sci. LXVII. 139 The Congress [of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Associations] assumed the task of organizing Parent-Teacher Associations in every school.1951M. McLuhan Mech. Bride (1967) 126/2 There is in the parent-teacher relationship a basic violation of the idea of equality.1957Times 16 Sept. 11/5 The National Federation of Parent-Teacher Associations, formed last year, seeks to promote closer relations between parents and teachers mainly by practical means.1968Daily Tel. 12 Nov. 21 (heading) Parent-teacher link guide for schools.1973Times 10 Apr. 3/2 In an ideal world all schools would have parent-teacher associations.

Add:[4.] c. Comm. ellipt. for parent company (sense 5 b below).
1953E. R. Barlow Managem. Foreign Manuf. Subsidiaries iii. 58 The foreign units will be manufacturing the same products as the parent.1967H. B. Maynard Handbk. Business Admin. x. 9 If the percentage of ownership is 50 percent or more, if the nature of the business is similar to that of the parent,..the corporation is likely to be consolidated.1972N.Y. Law Jrnl. 22 Aug. 1/7 The parent..agreed to sell its subsidiary's business and assets to the trust company for stock of the latter's holding corporation.1986Economist 11 Jan. 59/2 So heavy were the losses at another, Mostek, that its parent, United Technologies Corporation, sold it to France's Thomson.
II. parent, a.1 Obs.
Also 5 -ant, -aunt, 7 -and.
[Either a. OF. parant apparent, visible, pr. pple. of paroir:—L. pārēre to appear, or aphetic form of aparant, apparent.]
= apparent a. 4: in parent heir, heir parent.
1490Caxton Eneydos xxix. 112 The mooste parent heyre of the lynage.1494Fabyan Chron. vii. ccxxxiii. 268 The sayd Henry shulde be proclaymed..for heyre parant.Ibid. 533 By auctoryte of the same parliament syr Roger Mortymer, erle of the Marche..was soone after proclaymyd heyer paraunt vnto y⊇ crowne of Englonde. [a1677Lovers Quarrel iv. in Child Ballads iv. cix. B. (1886) 447/1 My heir and parand thou shalt be.]
III. ˈparent, a.2 Obs. rare—0.
[ad. L. pārēns, pārēnt-em obedient, pr. pple. of pārēre to obey.]
1656Blount Glossogr., Parent, obedient, dutiful, serviceable.
IV. parent, v.|ˈpɛərənt|
[f. parent n.: cf. OF. parenter (14–15th c. in Godef.) in same senses.]
1. trans.
a. To be the parent of, beget, produce.
b. To be or act as a parent to; to ‘father’ or ‘mother’. Hence ˈparented ppl. a. (cf. parented a.).
1663Sir G. Mackenzie Relig. Stoic ii. (1685) 23 Churlishness and Close-handedness parented by Avarice.1884W. F. Crafts Sabb. for Man (1894) 192 Even a republican government is compelled to parent such of its people as are not capable of self-government.1904Belloc Avril i. 4 Literary..epochs..are..definitely parented. We know their special stuff and harmony. We can show..the parts meeting and blending.1954E. H. W. Meyerstein Verse Lett. to Five Friends 2 One so quick, so parented, as you Needed but time, to feed her fancies new.1957Times 7 May 6/5 It is almost heaven-sent that the Suez Canal Company, with its position and its money, should be wanting to parent the idea [of a Channel tunnel].1975Listener 13 Mar. 340/3 Over 75 couples..have already been approved as adoptive or foster-parents... Many..are most suitable candidates to parent the child in question.
2. intr. To be a parent. Hence ˈparenting vbl. n.; also attrib.
1959Britannica Bk. of Year 547/1 Parenting, the supervision by parents of their children.1970F. Dodson (title) How to parent.1970L. B. Ames in Ibid. p. xi, New parents have a great deal to learn from those already experienced in what Dr. Fitzhugh Dodson calls the art of parenting.1972Times 30 Oct. 8/3 The single-minded, unconditional desire..to provide a loving, caring home, which is the hallmark of good parenting.1973A. E. Wilkerson Rights of Children 305 While making available to parents the range of resources necessary for effective parenting, we need to be more explicit about the social expectations of parents.Ibid. 308 The price of waiting indeterminably for parents who cannot or will not develop acceptable parenting requirements is paid by the child.1975N.Y. Times 16 Sept. 84 Because of all the changes in American society, we are losing our intuitive ability to parent.1976Guardian 16 Aug. 9/3 Energy gone, parenting is handed over to the parent-substitute, the teak box in the corner.




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