

单词 participation
释义 participation|pətɪsɪˈpeɪʃən, pɑː-|
[a. F. participation (13th c. in Littré), ad. L. participātiōn-em, n. of action from participāre to participate.]
The action or fact of participating.
1. The action or fact of partaking, having or forming part of; the partaking of the substance, quality, or nature of some thing or person (obs.).
c1374Chaucer Boeth. iii. pr. xi. 75 (Camb. MS.) But alle thing þat is good quod she grauntisthow þat it be good by the participacioun of good or no?a1450Mankind (Brandl 1898) 199 Of þe very wysdaum ȝe haue partycypacyone.1490Caxton Eneydos iv. 20 Eneas..abode a longe tyme ynough lyke a corps..wythoute partycypacyon of sensityf moeuynge.1555Eden Decades 320 The sea Mediterraneum so named bycause it is in the mydlande as is the Caspian sea withowt participacion of the great Ocean.1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. iv. xvii. (1634) 696 marg., This Sacrament being instituted for the participation of Christ by faith.1631Gouge God's Arrows i. §67. 112 As for the other Sacrament, make conscience of a frequent participation thereof.a1742Bentley (J.), Convince them that brutes have the least participation of thought, and they retract.1796Morse Amer. Geog. II. 324 They first conquered Glaris and Zug, and admitted them to an equal participation of their rights.1866J. G. Murphy Comm. Exod. xii. 8 The eating of it is a figure of the participation of pardon, acceptance, and full blessedness.
2. a. The fact or condition of sharing in common (with others, or with each other); association as partners, partnership, fellowship; profit-sharing.
1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) III. 477 God wille me to haue communion and participacion with his creatures and werkes.1570Dee Math. Pref. 2 A straunge participation betwene thinges supernaturall and thynges naturall.1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, iii. ii. 87 For thou hast lost thy Princely Priuiledge, With vile participation.1604–5Bacon Certif. Commiss. Union Wks. 1879 I. 460 The communion and participation by commerce.1709Steele Tatler No. 49 ⁋6 Their Satisfactions are doubled, their Sorrows lessen'd by Participation.1812L. Hunt in Examiner 14 Sept. 578/1 Participations of empire have long been out of fashion.188119th Cent. May 809 Sharing in whatever surplus profits are realised by the more efficient labour which participation calls forth.
b. A taking part, association, or sharing (with others) in some action or matter; spec. the active involvement of members of a community or organization in decisions which affect their lives and work. Cf. audience participation s.v. audience 7 d.
1667Digby Elvira i. in Hazl. Dodsley XV. 11 Of all this I have not only had knowledge, But great participation in your joys.1789Jefferson Writ. (1859) II. 567 It is probable the States General will obtain a participation in the legislation.1858Bright Sp., Reform 27 Oct. (1876) 279 Many persons..are shut out from any participation in political power.1875Gladstone Glean. VI. li. 135 Will it increase..the active participation of the flock in the service?1939Amer. Speech XIV. 254 Teacher placement,..pupil participation,..language usage are a few typical examples of the monstrosities I refer to.1944H. P. Fairchild Dict. Sociol. 213/2 Participation, entry into, identification with, as through communication or common activity, some defined social situation.1948A. L. Kroeber Anthropol. (rev. ed.) ix. 347 The second mechanism making for participation of the young in their culture, and their putting into society, is education.1964M. Argyle Psychol. & Social Probl. viii. 113 One way of allowing greater participation is through the use of democratic techniques of supervision.1968Guardian 13 July 9/2 General de Gaulle's social reform programme, summed up by the slogan ‘Participation’.Ibid. 10 Sept. 8/5 Participation begins when employees at all levels feel that their own supervisors enlist their help to get what has to be done at their own level performed expeditiously.1970Ibid. 5 May 13/2 Students have shown no more enthusiasm for ‘participation’ than did French workers when General de Gaulle proposed it to them.1974Listener 28 Feb. 276/3 Publicity for proposals is easy, but..effective participation is much more difficult..there is a need to involve all sectors of the community in any debate on proposals.1976Which? May 110/3 So it's important to make sure that the major issues that you think affect your area do get discussed, and one of the purposes of the public participation legislation is that the public should be involved at the formative stage.1977Times 25 Feb. 1/7 The unions had an essential role in any system for developing participation.
c. A participating bond or share.
1931Economist 5 Dec. 1057/1 In Germany, foreign exchange (by which is meant foreign notes, claims, bills of exchange, cheques and gold in any form, but not foreign bonds or shares or other industrial participations, except bonds acquired after July 12th) must, within three days after acquisition, be sold to the Reichsbank.1968Globe & Mail (Toronto) 13 Feb. B2/4 In addition to long-term bonds with call provisions, the new mortgage bank would sell participation certificates on the mortgage holdings in its secondary market operations portfolio.
d. participation mystique, imaginative identification with people and objects outside oneself, regarded as an attribute of primitive peoples by the French anthropologist Lucien Lévy-Bruhl (1857–1939); merging of the individual consciousness with that of a group or with the external world.
Discussed by Lévy-Bruhl in Les fonctions mentales dans les sociétés inférieures (1910) I. ii. 78, etc.
1927A. Huxley Proper Stud. 77 A subjectivized world, with which the observer lives in a state of what Lévy-Bruhl calls ‘participation mystique’, is unamenable to scientific treatment.1933Dell & Baynes tr. Jung's Mod. Man in Search of Soul viii. 198 The secret of artistic creation and of the effectiveness of art is to be found in a return to the state of participation mystique—to that level of experience at which it is man who lives, and not the individual, and at which the weal or woe of the single human being does not count, but only human existence.1949D. Macardle Children of Europe i. i. 20 Powerful, also, is a deeper source of unrest—a participation mystique—the craving, much stronger in some races than in others, which makes individuals long to merge in the herd.1956F. Herbert Dragon in Sea (1960) 36 Religious services, thought Ramsey... Participation Mystique!1957N. Frye Anat. Crit. 295 College yells, sing-songs, and similar forms of participation mystique.1966J. B. Priestley Moments 228 In our early childhood..we exist in a state that a French anthropologist has called participation mystique.1974Times 23 May 10/5 As one who has never visited the Indian sub-continent, nothing I have read has..given me so much the sense of participation mystique in a civilisation..the antithesis of our own.
⁋The alleged sense ‘Distribution, division into shares’ (Johnson), appears to arise from a misunderstanding of the passage cited; that of ‘Community, fellowship’ (Schmidt) to be merely a contextual use of sense 2.




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