

单词 pavage
释义 pavage|ˈpeɪvɪdʒ|
Also 5 pavag, pawage, 6 pavadge, 7–8 -iage, 9 -eage.
[a. F. pavage (1331 in Hatz.-Darm.), in med.L. pavagium, f. F. paver to pave: see -age.]
1. A tax or toll towards the paving of highways or streets; also, the right to levy such a tax or toll.
[1305Rolls of Parlt. I. 163/1 Quod velit ei concedere muragium & pavagium in villa Warr[ewic].1324–5Ibid. 423/1 Par quai il prient pavage & murage a dorer par vii aunz.]a1500tr. Charter Rich. II in Arnolde Chron. (1811) 22 Quyt for euer of pauage pontage and murage.c1500Robin Hood & Potter xiii. in Child Ballads III. 110/2 Wed well y non leffe, seyde þe potter, Nor pavag well y non pay.1628Coke On Litt. 58 b, Consuetudo..signifieth also tolls..paviage, and such like.1707J. Chamberlayne St. Gt. Brit. iii. i. 240 The goods of Clergymen are discharged..from Tolls and Customs of Average, Pontage, Murage, Pavage.1883Picton L'pool Munic. Rec. I. 10 Paveage conceded to the town of Liverpool.1902Sharpe Cal. Let. Bk. D. 279 Allow citizens of York to pass free from payment of murage, pavage,..and other customs.
2. The action of paving, the laying of a pavement. Also attrib.
1553in 10th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. v. 414 Massons workinge..uppon the workes of muradge and pavadge.1853Turner's Dom. Archit. II. iii. 110 The Roadway..was kept in repair..by pavage rates.1860Biog. & Crit. fr. ‘The Times’ 272 Street regulations as to pavage.




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