

单词 pentane
释义 pentane Chem.|ˈpɛntaɪn|
[f. Gr. πέντε five + -ane 2 b.]
The general name of the paraffins of the pentacarbon series, C5H12; also called quintane and pentyl hydride. Three such hydrocarbons are known (see quot.), all colourless mobile fluids, occurring in petroleum, etc. Also attrib., as pentane lamp, pentane vapour, etc. So pentaˈnoic a., in pentanoic acid, valeric acid; ˈpentanol, amyl (pentyl) alcohol; pentene |ˈpɛntiːn|, an olefine of the pentacarbon series, C5H10; comprising four known forms, one of which is amylene; pentine |ˈpɛntaɪn|, also ˈpentinine, ˈpentylene, the hydrocarbon C5H8, of the same series, homologous with acetylene or ethine; of this eight forms are possible, and six known, the chief being valerylene; ˈpentinyl, the radical C5H7, as in pentinyl ethyl oxide, C7H12O; penˈtoic a., applied to fatty acids, aldehydes, etc. of the same series, as pentoic or valeric acid, C5H10O2; ˈpentone, ˈpentonene, a hydrocarbon of the formula C5H6: ˈpentyl, the radical C5H11, of which one form is amyl; hence penˈtylic a.
1877Watts Fownes' Chem. II. 48 Pentanes, C5H12. Of these hydrocarbons there are three modifications, viz.: 1. Normal Pentane [CH3(CH2)3CH3]. 2. Isopentane [C2H5.CH(CH3)2]. 3. Neopentane [C(CH3)4].Ibid. 58 Pentenes, C5H10. Of the four possible modifications..Normal Pentene, or Ethyl-allyl, C2H5.C3H5..boils at 37°...Isopentene, or Amylene, is obtained, together with isopentane, by distilling..amyl alcohol..with sulphuric acid.Ibid., Tertiary pentyl iodide.Ibid. 63 Valerylene or Pentine, C5H6. Of this hydrocarbon two modifications are known.Ibid. 64 Valylene or pentone, C5H6,..is formed by the action of alcoholic potash on valerylene dibromide.Ibid. 148 Pentyl alcohols and ethers. The formula C5H12O may include eight different alcohols... [1] Butyl Carbinol or Normal Primary Pentyl Alcohol... [2] Isobutyl Carbinol, Isopentyl Alchol, or Amyl Alcohol..the ordinary amyl alcohol produced by fermentation.Ibid. 292 Pentoic or Valeric Acids... These acids admit of four metameric modifications... The first and second are obtained by oxidation of normal pentylic and isopentylic or amylic alcohol respectively.1892Roscoe Elem. Chem. 286 Pentyl alcohol, C5H12O, is obtained from pentylic acid by reducing first to the aldehyde and then to the alcohol.1892Morley & Muir Watts' Dict. III. 807/2 Pentonene..occurs in oil deposited by compressed gas derived from bituminous shale. [1899Jrnl. Chem. Soc. LXXVI. i. 742, 2-Chlorocyclo⁓pentanol, C5H8Cl·OH.Ibid. ii. 1135/1 (Index), cyclo⁓Pentanol.]1927Pentanoic acid [see hexanoic a.].1937F. C. Whitmore Org. Chem. i. 129 Pentanol-2, made by either of these methods, always contained pentanol-3.Ibid. 298 n-Valeric acid, n-valerianic acid, pentanoic acid, n-propylacetic acid, CH3CH2CH2CH2CO2H, is made by the oxidation of n-amyl alcohol.1951I. L. Finar Org. Chem. I. vi. 105 Three amyl alcohols, viz., n-pentanol, isopentanol and ‘active’ amyl alcohol, have been isolated from fusel oil.1964N. G. Clark Mod. Org. Chem. viii. 139 A mixture of higher-boiling alcohols (‘fusel oil’) is obtained as a by-product and forms a useful source of pentanols (amyl alcohols), C5H11·OH.1965Nomencl. Org. Chem. (I.U.P.A.C.) C. 112 Saturated aliphatic monocarboxylic acids... Pentanoic. [Note] The trivial name is normally preferred.
attrib.1895Daily News 23 July 5/5 The pentane-air flame..is produced by burning a mixture of air and pentane vapour from a suitable argand burner.1896Ibid. 30 Jan. 3/1 Mr. A. Vernon Harcourt's pentane standard had again been vindicated as a reliable and exact standard, while in practical use in gas testing the pentane-argand, proposed by Mr. Dibdin in 1886, had been chosen as a suitable substitute for candles in daily work.




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