

单词 periphrasis
释义 periphrasis|pəˈrɪfrəsɪs|
Pl. -ses |-siːz|.
[a. L. periphrasis, a. Gr. περίϕρασις circumlocution, periphrase, f. περιϕράζειν to express periphrastically, f. περί round about, around + ϕράζειν to declare.]
1. That figure of speech which consists in expressing the meaning of a word, phrase, etc., by many or several words instead of by few or one; a roundabout way of speaking, circumlocution.
1533More Apol. ix. Wks. 865/1 A fayre fygure,..that is I trowe called periphrasis.1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie iii. xviii. (Arb.) 203 Then haue ye the figure Periphrasis,..as when we go about the bush, and will not in one or a few words expresse that thing which we desire to haue knowen, but do chose rather to do it by many words.1657–8in Burton's Diary (1828) II. 414 You do not express it but by periphrasis and circumlocution.1759Sterne Tr. Shandy I. xi, Yorick had no impression but one..which..he would usually translate into plain English without any periphrasis.1864Theol. Rev. Mar. 16 Some name is needful if we would avoid the loose clumsiness of perpetual periphrasis.1880McCarthy Own Times III. xxxii. 60 The plain truth may as well be spoken out without periphrasis.
2. An example or instance of this figure; a roundabout phrase. (The pl. periphrases is not distinguished in writing from that of periphrase.)
1579E. K. Gloss Spenser's Sheph. Cal. Mar. 116 Stouping Phæbus, is a Periphrasis of the sunne setting.1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus ii. 9 The Gospel, which by a periphrasis is called the doctrine of Christ.a1638Mede Wks. (1672) 6 Those divine Periphrases or circumlocutions which the Lord himself more than once makes of an Holy People.1690Locke Hum. Und. ii. xxii. §7 And instead of either of those Names, use a Periphrasis to make any one understand their meaning.Ibid. iii. x. §31 He that hath complex Ideas without Names for them..is necessitated to use Periphrases.1754Sherlock Disc. (1759) I. xiv. 364 The exhortation..is only a Periphrasis for Faith.1865Reader 1 Apr. 365/1 The Laplanders and Tunguy only speak of the bear and the tiger by a periphrasis.
b. fig. An amplification, a larger expression.
a1657Lovelace Poems (1864) 205 Till he but one new blister is And swells his own periphrasis.a1658Cleveland Hecatomb 100 She, she it is that doth contain all Bliss, And makes the World but her Periphrasis.




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