

单词 permanence
释义 permanence|ˈpɜːmənəns|
[ad. med.L. permanēntia (1319 in Du Cange), f. permanēnt-em permanent (see -ence); perh. through F. permanence (Oresme, 14th c.), OF. parmanance, -menance (12–13th c.).]
1. The fact, condition, or state of being permanent; continued existence or duration; continuance, abiding.
1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) II. 215 Assiduite of feyntenesse longethe to a man, impossibilite of permanence [Higden impossibilitas permanendi] lyȝhtenes to falle.1556Lauder Tractate (1864) 4 Hov kyngis hes no erthlie permanence.1651Hobbes Leviath. iii. xxxiv. 213 Which place is manifest for the permanence of Evill Angels.1660R. Coke Justice Vind. 2 Memory cannot be, without permanence of the thing perceived.1830Lyell Princ. Geol. I. 111 The permanence of the snow..is partly due to the floating ice.
2. The quality of being permanent; permanency, abidingness.
a1677Hale Prim. Orig. Man. i. iii. 73 That hath or may have such a kind of permanence or fixedness in being.1775Harris Philos. Arrangem. Wks. (1841) 299 With respect to all kinds of qualities..there is one thing to be observed, that some degree of permanence is always requisite.1841–4Emerson Ess., Spir. Laws Wks. (Bohn) I. 66 The permanence of all books is fixed by..the intrinsic importance of their contents.1874J. T. Micklethwaite Mod. Par. Churches 223 The essential quality of a monument is permanence.




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