

单词 perplexed
释义 perplexed, ppl. a.|pəˈplɛkst|
Also 6–8 perplext.
[app. in origin an alteration of perplex a., assimilated to pa. pples. in accordance with its quasi-participial force as implying a resultant state. As to the sense-development see perplex a.]
1. Of a person: Involved in doubt or anxiety on account of the intricate character of the matter under consideration; bewildered, puzzled: see perplex v. 1. Formerly in a more general sense: Troubled: cf. perplexity 1 b.
1477Earl Rivers (Caxton) Dictes Prol., In diuerse & many sondry wyses man is perplexid with worldly aduersitees.1529More Dyaloge Wks. 165 That it might please his goodnes in so great a parell not to leue me perplexed.1578Banister Hist. Man viii. 103 Glandules..pouryng forth teares in a perplexed mynde.1611Bible Joel i. 18 The herds of cattle are perplexed, because they haue no pasture.1706Phillips, Perplexed, confounded, troubled.1836Mrs. Browning Poet's Vow i. xiii, Mad winds that howling go!..perplexed seas That stagger from their blow!
2. Of things, conditions, language, etc.: Full of doubt or difficulty from its intricate or entangled condition; intricate, involved, complicated.
1529More Dyaloge i. Wks. 165/1 Why shoulde not I in such perplexed case after helpe called for of God, take the one parte at aduenture by Lot?1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 399 Ambrosius is..in some places..perplext and cumbersome to bee vnderstoode.a1668Davenant Man's the Master iii. i, This is the most perplext encounter that I ever saw.1785Reid Intell. Powers ii. x. 287 His style is disagreeable, being full of perplexed sentences.1832Lewis Use & Ab. Pol. Terms xi. 93 On this point his language is somewhat perplexed.
3. Of material objects: Having the parts intricately intertwined or intermingled; intricate, entangled.
1605Bacon Adv. Learn. ii. vii. §5 The formes of substances..(as they are nowe by compounding and transplanting multiplied) are so perplexed.1664Evelyn Sylva xii, That perplext canopy which covers the seat in his Majesties garden at Hampton-court.1748Anson's Voy. iii. x. 413 The history and inventions of past ages, recorded by these perplexed [Chinese] symbols, must frequently prove unintelligible.




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