

单词 persevere
释义 persevere, v.|pɜːsɪˈvɪə(r)|
Forms: α. 4–5 perˈseuere, 5–7 -ˈseuer, -ˈsever, 5–6 -ˈceuer, 5 -ˈseyuer, 6 perˈcever, -ˈceyver, -ˈceauer, parˈseuer. β. 4–5 perseˈwer, 4–6 -seˈuere, 6 -syˈuere, -seˈueir, -siˈueir, 5– perseˈvere.
[c gray][a. F. persévére-r, ad. L. persevērā-re to abide by strictly, continue steadfastly, persist, persevere, f. persevērus very strict, f. per- 4 + sevēr-us strict, severe. The usual Eng. pronunciation, down to the middle of the 17th c. or later, was (pərˈsɛvər[/c]). The form perseˈvēre appears to have been used from an early period by Scottish writers, and isolated examples appear in Eng. writers in 15th (rarely in 16th c.). Shakes. used only perˈsever; Quarles, 1624, used both forms in the same poem; Milton always perseˈvēre, which became universal by c 1680. So with the derivatives perseˈverance, perseˈvērance, etc.
The two forms arise from the shifting stress in L. persevēˈrāre and perseˈvērat, F. persévéˈrer and perséˈvère. Milton's use was doubltess determined by Latin quantity.]
1. intr. To continue steadfastly in a course of action (formerly, also, in a condition, state, or purpose), esp. in the face of difficulty or obstacles; to continue staunch or constant. Const. in, with.
αc1374Chaucer Troylus i. 951 He hasteþ wel þat wysly kan a-byde,..Be lusty, fre, perseuere yn þyn seruyse.c1400Apol. Loll. 17 Who euer deserue to tak þe sentence of daming, if he wele perseyuer in his wit, no man mai relesse him.1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. 418 To take advyse howe they shulde perceyver in their warr.1568Grafton Chron. II. 892 That he should manfully and courageously perceauer and proceede in this..enterprise.1594Spenser Amoretti xxxviii. 9 But in her pride she dooth persever still.1605Shakes. Lear iii. v. 23, I will perseuer in my course of Loyalty.1624Quarles Job Medit. vii, A rare Affection of the soule..doth perseuer [rime Neuer; but cf. 1624 in β].1678Yng. Man's Call. 409 Nor priest nor jesuit could ever Move him, but he did still persever Like a house founded on a rock.
βc1375Sc. Leg. Saints iii. (Andreas) 631 Quhen þu seis me In hard torment persewer, Lowand myn god with gladsum cher.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxxii. (Iustin) 256 Bot cypriane ȝet þan but were In his foly cane perseuere.c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 178 To persevere in virginal clennesse.1484Caxton Curiall 2 Now late vs graunte that thou woldest perseuere in vertue.c1500Lancelot 1564 He thinkith no worschip to conquere, Nore in the weris more to persyuere.1500–20Dunbar Poems lxxx. 7 God gif to the..grace ay for to perseveir, In hansell of this guid new ȝeir.1533Gau Richt Vay 82 He techit thayme..quhow thay suld persiueir and be constant in prayer.1624Quarles Job Medit. xv, The Iust and Constant mind, that perseueres..neuer fears.1667Milton P.L. vii. 632 Thrice happie if they know Thir happiness, and persevere upright.1783Watson Philip III, iv. (1839) 231 If the Morescoes should persevere in their present resolution.1828Scott F.M. Perth x, Your Grace is best judge whether they have been long enough persevered in.1856Froude Hist. Eng. I. ii. 140 He was determined to persevere at all costs.
b. Const. to with infin.: To continue to. Obs.
1580Sidney Ps. xliv. xi, Why to hid thy face persever?1614Lodge Seneca 131 Let Fortune persever to be so equally favourable unto him.1745Eliza Heywood Female Spect. No. 13 (1748) III. 28 What the duty of a wife bound me to while living, I persevere to observe in death.1796M. Robinson Angelina II. 209 Persevere to cultivate her friendship.
c. with adj. or n. complement: To remain, continue to be. Obs.
1513Bradshaw St. Werburge i. 3009 Who-so perceuers in herte and mynde true.1563–7Buchanan Reform. St. Andros Wks. (1892) 11 In thys college nayne sal persever regent in humanite abuve the space of vij or viij ȝeir.c1600Donne Elegies on Mrs. Boulstred ii. 61 Had she persever'd just, there would have bin Some that would sinne, misthinking she did sinne.1653Baxter Chr. Concord xix. B iij, If he persevere impenitent.
d. To proceed steadily on one's way. Obs.
1515Barclay Egloges iv, Who doth persever, & to this Towre attayne, Shall have great pleasure to see the building olde.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. I. 37, I wil begin at the west cost of Lorne, quhair I left offe, and thairfra Northerlie wil perseueir, vpon the Sey coste.
e. Theol. To continue in a state of grace. Cf. perseverance 2. ? Obs.
[c1450tr. De Imitatione i. xxv. 23 There was a man in gret hevynesse, ofte tymes doutinge bitwene drede & hope..; þis he þouȝte in his mynde, wolde god I wiste þat I shulde perseuere.]1751Wesley Wks. (1872) X. 291 This does not prove that every believer shall persevere.
f. To persist, insist, in speech or argument. Obs. or arch.
1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 184 Davalus..sayd he could not fynd nothing, and herin persevered.1691Beverley Mem. Kingd. Christ 7 Above all I persevere, that within the Six next Summers, viz. in 97, the Kingdom of Christ shall be in its Succession. [1859Lang Wand. India 328 ‘Ah! And crime—much crime!’ his lordship persevered.]
a. To continue, remain, stay in a place, or in a state or condition (implying no active effort).
c1401Lydg. Flour Curtesye 174 For ever to persever Ther she is set, and never to dissever.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 261/1 Luke recordeth in his wrytynges sayeng that all they were by one courage perseueryng with the Vyrgyne Marye.a1550in Dunbar's Poems (S.T.S.) 318 Quharfor in Scotland come I heir With ȝow to byde and perseveir.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. i. 77 Quhil now in peace thay daylie perseueirit.1784Unfortunate Sensibility I. 74, I would not..that my children should persevere in infantine ignorance till, quite grown up, they find themselves [etc.].
b. Of things: To continue, last, endure. Obs.
c1407Lydg. Reson & Sens. 4386 Thilke fruyt as thou maist se, Perseuereth ay in hys beaute.1485Rolls of Parlt. VI. 343/1 That the said Graunte or Grauntes, and Lettres Patentes..stand and persevere in their full strength.1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. 714 Wherby the good love and affectyon that hath bene bytwene you & the Comons of Flaunders shulde perceyver.1549–62Sternhold & H. Ps. cxix. 91 Even to this day we may well se, how all thinges persevere.1612Enchir. Med. ii. 37 The fourth day, if the disease doe as yet perseuer.1633G. Herbert Temple, Heaven 10 Light, joy, and leisure; but shall they persever? Echo, Ever.1696Whiston Th. Earth i. (1722) 1 All Bodies will persevere for ever in that state..in which they once are.
3. trans. To maintain or support continuously; to cause to continue; to keep constant, preserve.
1502Ord. Crysten Men (W. de W. 1506) iii. iii. 152 Obstinates & perseuerynge theyr malyce.1534More Comf. agst. Trib. i. Wks. 1159/1 That the fauoure of God perseuered hym.1655W. Gurnall Chr. in Arm. verse 13. viii. §4 (1669) 143/2 Such want a principle of Divine life to draw strength from Christ to persevere them in their course.
Hence perseˈvering ( -ˈevering) vbl. n.
c1386Chaucer Sec. Nun's T. 117 Round and hool in good perseuerynge.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. i. 70. 1667 Milton P.L. viii. 639, I in thy persevering shall rejoyce.




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