

单词 peruse
释义 I. peruse, v.|pəˈruːz|
[Found first in 15th c. In sense 1, f. per- 1 or 2 + use v.; the connexion of the other senses with this is not very obvious, and there may have been two distinct formations; in the second, the sense of the per- element is prominent, the notion being generally that of ‘go throughlit. or fig.; but the element -use is not so easy to account for.]
1. trans. To use up; to wear out by use.
a1483Liber Niger in Househ. Ord. (1790) 18 Fees of bestes, and also fees of other stuffe perused, or otherwise occupied within the court, and towching it.1485Naval Acc. Hen. VII (1896) 57 Saile twyne..Spent & perused in a voiage into Lumbardye.1536in Strype Cranmer (1694) ii. App. 26 Six and thirty old chysybils..some of them perused.1570Levins Manip. 195/6 To peruse, peruti.
II. To go through.
a. trans. To go through (a series of things or persons) so as to deal with one after another; to handle, deal with, describe, or examine (a number of things) one by one. Obs.
1479in Eng. Gilds (1870) 414 The Maire, first..to name and gyve his voice.., and after hym the Shiref, and so all the house perusid in the same, euery man to gyve his voice as shall please him.1523Fitzherb. Husb. §40 Let the shepeherde..take those [sheep] that nede any handling, and put them into the lyttell folde. And thus peruse them all tyll he haue doone.1581W. Stafford Exam. Compl. ii. (1876) 63, I pray you peruse these sortes..one by one, and by course.1669Ray in Philos. Lett. (1718) 32, I have perused the dried Plants you sent me, and..added names to such as wanted.a1716South Serm. (1744) VIII. iii. 76 Let us peruse the obligations that lay upon him [Adam] as a man.
b. To go through by name; to name or recount in order. Obs.
1534More Comf. agst. Trib. i. Wks. 1154/1 It were a long worke to peruse euery comforte that a man maye well take of tribulacion.c1550Disc. Common Weal (1893) 47, I praie youe pervse those sortes..one by one and by cours.
c. To survey, inspect, examine, or consider in detail. arch. (now associated with 5).
1533Elyot Cast. Helthe Pref. (1539) 1 When I had eftsones perused that little fortresse.1577Harrison England ii. xxiv. (1877) i. 361 If you should happen to peruse the thickenesse and maner of building of those wals and borowes.1592Shakes. Rom. & Jul. v. iii. 74 Let me peruse this face.1667Milton P.L. viii. 267 My self I then perus'd, and Limb by Limb Survey'd.1726Pope Odyss. xxi. 439 He..disdain'd reply; The bow perusing with exactest eye.1847Tennyson Princ. ii. 54 At those high words, we, conscious of ourselves, Perused the matting.1866G. Macdonald Ann. Q. Neighb. xiii. (1878) 252 By this time I had perused his person, his dress, and his countenance.
d. To travel or journey through observingly or scrutinizingly. Obs. exc. dial.
1523St. Papers Hen. VIII, IV. 38, I have also well perused and vewed this towne and castell.1549Paget in Froude Hist. Eng. (1860) V. 182 Make a progress this hot weather, till you have perused all those shires that have offended.1600J. Pory tr. Leo's Africa ii. 67 This prouince I perused in the companie of my deere friend Sidi Iehie.1887Hereford Gloss., Peruse, to explore the fields or woods.
3. intr. To go from one to another of a series, to proceed, continue (obs.); to travel (humorous).
1523Fitzherb. Husb. §30 Let hym caste out the .x. shefe in the name of god, and so to pervse from lande to lande, tyll he haue trewely tythed all his corne.Ibid. §124. 1523Surv. xix. (1539) 40 To peruse from house to house till he come to saint Magnus churche.1895Kipling in Windsor Mag. 124 Unluckily, you cannot peruse about the Hugli without money.
a. trans. To go over (a writing, etc.) again; to revise, reconsider. Obs.
a1529Skelton P. Sparowe 813 Wherfore hold me excused If I haue not well perused Myne Englyssh halfe abused.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 42 The Printers shall Print nothinge but the same shall be fyrste perused.1604Bacon Apol. Wks. 1879 I. 440 It was perused, weighed, censured, altered, and made almost a new writing.1632Sherwood, To peruse, revoir, reveoir, revisiter. Perused, reveu, revisité. A perusing, reveuë.
b. To go through (a book) critically; to review, criticize; also, to set forth or expound critically. Obs.
1533More Answ. Poysoned Bk. i. i. Wks. 1039/2, I wyll good reader peruse the remanant of his booke after this first part answered.Ibid. ii. i. 1078/1. 1551 Gardiner Explic. Cath. Faith 76 Thus hauinge perused the effecte of the thyrde booke, I will likewise peruse the fourth.
5. a. To read through or over; to read thoroughly or carefully; hence (loosely) to read. Also absol. or intr.
1532Elyot Let. in Gov. (1883) Pref. 79 Thei..doo peruse every daye one chapitre of the New Testament.1591Shakes. 1 Hen. VI, v. i. 1 Haue you perus'd the Letters from the Pope, The Emperor, and the Earle of Arminack?1647Clarendon Hist. Reb. i. §7 Having carefully perused the Journals of both Houses.1709Steele Tatler No. 51 ⁋5, I will show what to turn over unread and what to peruse.1802M. Edgeworth Moral T. (1816) I. xii. 99 H. put the paper..into his hands, and waited..whilst he perused the case.1886Hardy Mayor Casterbr. II. xviii. 254, I have tried to peruse and learn all my life; but the more I try to know the more ignorant I seem.1887Bowen Virg. Eclogue vi. 10 If any who love me there be This poor verse to peruse.1909H. G. Wells Ann Veronica i. 25 Her father..appeared not to observe her entry. ‘Sit down,’ he said, and perused..for some moments.
b. Const. over. (Cf. read over.) Obs.
1561J. Daus tr. Bullinger on Apoc. (1573) 85 Let vs peruse ouer stories, and see if there be not such warres to be founde.1579in W. Wilkinson Confut. Familye of Loue Pref. Note *j b, Perusing ouer this little treatise.1595Shakes. John v. ii. 5 Perusing ore these notes.
Hence peˈrused ppl. a., in quot. in sense 1, used up, worn out; peˈrusing ppl. a.
a1483Liber Niger in Househ. Ord. (1790) 83 If they be perused clothes, so that with honestye they will noe longer serve.1887T. Hardy Woodlanders iv. 26 Our new neighbour is a strange deep perusing gentleman.
II. peˈruse, n.
[f. prec. vb.]
a. Perusal; study; examination. Obs.
1578Banister Hist. Man i. 1 The diligent peruse of this History of Bones.1594Southwell M. Magd. Fun. Teares (1823) 120, I will pound these spices, and dwell a while in the peruse of thy resolute fervour.1600W. Watson Decacordon (1602) 358 The onely peruse of his bookes.
b. Sailors' colloq. Exploration, a ‘look round’ ashore. ‘Come for a bit of peruse, Jack.’




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