

单词 pestering
释义 I. ˈpestering, vbl. n.
[f. pester v.1 + -ing1.]
The action of the verb pester, in various senses.
1552Reg. Privy Council in Sussex Archæol. Collect. X. 199 Without sume hinderaunce to the cuntrie, and pestering of the trayne.c1595Capt. Wyatt R. Dudley's Voy. W. Ind. (Hakl. Soc.) 59 Makinge the decks..cleare of anie pesteringe or impediments.1598J. Manwood Lawes Forest x. (1615) 73 For that the pestring of the Forest with many houses, are noysome to the Forest.1832Marryat N. Forster xxviii, Clacking of pattens and pestering of sweepers.
II. ˈpestering, ppl. a.
[f. as prec. + -ing2.]
That pesters, in various senses of the verb.
1606W. Birnie Kirk-Buriall B iv b, Our Kirk-courtes or yardes..being ordinarly bedunged by pestring and pasturing brute.1641Milton Animadv. 51 All the hell pestering rabble of Sumners and Apparitors.1716[see pestify].1868Mrs. Whitney P. Strong xi. (1869) 125 Her raw girl and her pestering stove.
Hence ˈpesteringly adv., in a pestering way.
1805W. Taylor in Robberds Mem. II. 93 How pesteringly I can scribble when there is business to agitate.1875Tennyson Q. Mary v. i, Unalterably and pesteringly fond!




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