

单词 peterman
释义 peterman|ˈpiːtəmən|
[app. f. Peter n.1 (in allusion to the occupation of Simon Peter).]
1. A fisherman; formerly, app. one who practised a particular kind of fishing.
c1400Act Comm. Council London in C. Welch Tower Bridge (1894) 88 An Acte concernyng Petermen and other fysshing in the Thames [decrees that] none fish in the Thames with anglys nor other engines, but only with nets of assize and only at times seasonable, nor near any wharf of the bridge.1500Acc., ibid., Fines of Petermen for fishing and rugging at the bridge, and with their nets and engines daily hurting the same contrary to divers acts thereof made.1624Heywood Captives iv. i, Clowne. But [resolve mee] feythefully. Fisher. As I am honest peeterman.1629H. Burton Truth's Triumph 230 The troubled sea, where Romes Peter-men finde the best fishing.1630in Descr. Thames (1758) 68 No Peter-men shall..fish or work with any Manner of Net upon the said Water.a1825Forby Voc. E. Anglia, Peterman, a fisherman; a fellow-craftsman of the Apostle Peter.1894C. Welch Tower Bridge 73 Crowded with devout citizens, from the dignified Alderman to the rough-clad peterman. (Historical.)
2. Some kind of beer. Obs.
1767S. Paterson Another Trav. II. 51 To give him a dram, or a glass of peterman.
3. a. Thieves' Cant. [f. Peter n.1 6.] A thief who steals portmanteaus from vehicles.
1812Sporting Mag. XXXIX. 209 As good a cracksman or peter-man as any in the ring.1863Story of Lanc. Thief 9 (Farmer) Sometimes he'd turn peterman, and he had been generally lucky at it.
b. (See quots.) slang.
1897Eldridge & Watts Our Rival xi. 289 The rogue's name for the professional users of ‘knockout drops’ is Peter-men or Peter-players.1904No. 1500’ Life in Sing Sing 256/2 Peter man,..person who administers a drug for the purpose of robbery.1908Sun (N.Y.) 2 Mar. 2/2 A peterman is one who uses knockout drops as an aid to robbery.
c. A safe-blower. slang.
1900‘Flynt’ & ‘Walton’ Powers that Prey 176 Sliger's record, both as ‘peter-man’ and convict, was produced.1936J. G. Brandon Pawnshop Murder i. 5 Your flash ‘peterman’ is as gentle-natured as the average curate.1950R. Chandler Let. 18 May in R. Chandler Speaking (1966) 80 Opening a good safe (without a time lock) requires expensive and heavy tools, the finest drills either to drill out the lock or to get in the nitro if he is a peterman.1960Observer 24 Jan. 5/1 Gelignite in plastic sticks..was the British peterman's basic material.1968P. N. Walker Carnaby & Gaolbreakers i. 13 Well, you'd never be a peter man, or a breaker in a month of Sundays.1973‘B. Graeme’ Two & Two make Five vii. 68 The wall safe..would [not] have presented much difficulty to an expert peterman.1977J. Wainwright Nest of Rats i. vii. 46 The genuine peterman—the safe-breaker who takes a personal pride in pitting his wits against those of the safe⁓makers.




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