

单词 phasing
释义 phasing, vbl. n.|ˈfeɪzɪŋ|
[f. phase n. or phase v. + -ing1.]
1. The action of adjusting or eliminating a phase difference.
1896Trans. Amer. Inst. Electr. Engin. XII. 514 The condenser in this combination fills two very important functions, first assists in the phasing, and second prevents the lag upon the line.1922Glazebrook Dict. Appl. Physics II. 935/2 Before connecting any two polyphase transformers in parallel it is necessary to ensure that the phase rotation is correct, and this can only be done by phasing out. The term ‘phasing out’ is applied to the procedure adopted for determining the correct junction of the terminals of two or more transformers.1940Amat. Radio Handbk. (ed. 2) v. 72/2 Let it be assumed that the parallel capacity C4 has been balanced by the phasing condenser K.1949Frayne & Wolfe Elem. Sound Recording xxx. 627 The process of choosing the optimum position is known as the phasing of the speakers.1959R. L. Shrader Electronic Communication xvi. 525 Another entirely different method of producing a single-sideband suppressed-carrier emission is to use 90° phasing networks.1960Times 12 Jan. 15/6 Pedestrians are ignored in the phasing of traffic lights at many T-junctions.1978Hi-Fi News Sept. 179/1 Phasing is..produced by mixing a direct signal with the same signal when passed through a phase-shift network.
b. The relationship between the phases of two or more periodic phenomena having the same frequency.
1929[see phase v. 4 a].1938A. E. Greenlees Amplification & Distribution of Sound x. 154 Each loud⁓speaker should have one terminal marked..so that when all these are connected to one line wire and the remaining terminals connected to the other, correct phasing is assured.1951S. Deutsch Theory & Design Television Receivers xiii. 435 Incorrect phasing is illustrated in Fig. 13-7, where the picture signal begins before the horizontal sweep has ended.1962A. Nisbett Technique Sound Studio 264 Correct phasing of speakers is..vital to true stereo reproduction.1968Radio Communication Handbk. (ed. 4) xiii. 61/1 If two such aerials are erected horizontally in the form of a V.., and if the phasing between them is correct, the two pairs of lobes will add fore and aft.1970[see phase v. 1].
2. The action of phase v. 2. Chiefly in phasing in, phasing out, a gradual planned introduction or elimination (cf. phase v. 4 b, 5 d).
1955Sun (Baltimore) (B ed.) 25 Apr. 8/5 The ‘phasing out’ will end the official approval for even this operation.1962Times 8 Dec. 5/4 The phasing-out schedule for Thor..ballistic missiles.1964Ann. Reg. 1963 1 Whitehall was still preoccupied with..the phasing-in of British farm subsidies into the European system.1964G. L. Cohen What's Wrong with Hospitals? iii. 45 There exist new hospitals of greater efficiency than this one (for the Government's ‘phasing’ policy has entailed some incredible botching).1967Boston Sunday Globe 23 Apr. 20/4 The report recommends a gradual phasing out of these incinerators by 1985.1969Daily Tel. 18 Nov. 16 In Zambia the currency went decimal..overnight without any phasing-in of coins over two years.1971Guardian 7 June 11/4 The French..want to discuss the phasing out of sterling as a reserve currency.1971Daily Tel. 14 Aug. 13/7 The phasing of the new plants depends on the CEGB's planning timetable.1977Air Mail Spring 27/1 The Command is now coming to the end of another extensive re-equipment programme which will have seen the introduction of the Jaguar and the phasing out of the Lightning.1977Time 30 May 24/3 Carter said that he was ‘committed to the phasing-in of a national health insurance system’ and would send the legislation to Congress early next year.

Add:[1.] c. Mus. The process of altering a sound signal from an electronic instrument, esp. an electric guitar, by introducing a phase shift into one of two identical copies of the signal and recombining them, with the result that sound of a particular frequency is cancelled out; also, loosely (and in early use) = *flanging vbl. n.
1973Audio (U.S.) Dec. 54 (heading) ‘Phasing’ in tape recording.Ibid., To produce the phasing, you must slow down one [tape] machine for an instant, then return it to normal speed, then slow down the other machine, and keep rocking back and forth.1974R. E. Runstein Mod. Recording Techniques (1975) v. 162 Phasing is a term used to describe the sound which results from any device that causes multiple sharp dips or notches in the frequency response of a system in such a manner that the dip frequencies vary.1977Sounds 9 July 26/3 A combined unit offering everything from ADT up to very long delays of the kind favoured by Brian May, plus a variety of phasing, flanging, pitch-changing and associated effects.1981T. H. Wells Technique of Electronic Music 289 Phasing (flanging), a process in which a signal is delayed and then summed with the undelayed signal to produce phase cancellations.




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