

单词 phenol
释义 phenol Chem.|ˈfiːnɒl|
[f. Gr. ϕαινο- (see phen-) + -ol 1 (= alcohol).]
a. A hydroxyl derivative of benzene, C6H5(OH), commonly known as carbolic acid, q.v. (also phenic or phenylic acid, phenyl hydrate).
1852[see phenic].1857Miller Elem. Chem. III. 568 Phenic, or Carbolic Acid..Phenole..is the most abundant acid product of the distillation of pit-coal.1866Odling Anim. Chem. 123 Castoreum..contains phenol, or coal-tar kreosote.1878Roscoe Elem. Chem. 338 If one atom of hydrogen [in benzene] be replaced by hydroxyl an alcohol⁓like substance termed phenol is obtained.Ibid. 341 Phenol is sometimes called phenyl-alcohol, but it differs from a true alcohol in several respects;..it is not readily oxidized and yields neither an aldehyde, a ketone, nor an acid.1890Nature 4 Sept., The important and universally-known antiseptic and disinfectant, carbolic acid, or phenol.
b. A hydroxyl derivative of the aromatic or benzene series of hydrocarbons; also, applied to derivatives of phenol, in which one or more of the hydrogen atoms are replaced by other radicals, the names of which are usually prefixed; e.g. bromophenols or bromophenic acids (C6H5BrO, etc.), chlorophenols, iodophenols, nitrophenols (C6H5(NO2)O, etc.), diazo-nitrophenols (C6H3N3O3), etc.
1857Miller Elem. Chem. III. 568 The so-called phenols or alcohols derived from hydrocarbons of the benzene series by the displacement of an atom of hydrogen in the C6 group by the group OH.1868Jones & Watts Fownes' Man. Elem. Chem. (ed. 10) iii. 646 A xylylic phenol is mentioned by Hugo Müller as occurring in coal-tar.1877Watts Ibid. (ed. 12) II. 477 These latter compounds, including the hydroxyl-derivatives of benzene, are called Phenols.Ibid. 478 Monatomic Phenols... The phenols exhibit acid as well as alcoholic characters.Ibid. 488 Eight-carbon Phenols.1952L. N. Ferguson Electron Struct. Org. Molecules viii. 189 For the same type of dissociation of a phenol..the large increase in dissociation constant can be attributed largely to the effects of resonance.1964N. G. Clark Mod. Org. Chem. xxi. 431 The acidity of a phenol is increased by a nitro group located ortho and/or para to the functional group.
c. attrib. and Comb., as phenol compound, phenol group, phenol poisoning; phenol-forming adj.; phenol-formaldehyde, used attrib. and absol. to designate plastics, resins, etc., made by condensation of phenols with formaldehyde; phenol oxidase, phenoˈloxidase Biol. [ad. G. phenoloxydase (Battelli & Stern 1912, in Biochem. Zeitschr. XLVI. 396): see oxidase] = phenolase; phenol red = phenolsulphonphthalein in sense d; phenol resin, a phenolic resin (see phenolic a. b).
1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. IV. 33 Phenol compounds.
1912Jrnl. Industr. & Engin. Chem. IV. 737/2 (heading) Phenol-formaldehyde condensation products.1933Archit. Rev. LXXIII. 1 The most modern and significant group consists of the synthetic plastics of which the two best known and most fully developed are the Phenol-formaldehyde and the Urea-formaldehyde types.1965Wireless World Sept. 32 (Advt.), New 10 pin (Decal) based valves type B10B, moulded in polypropylene and phenol formaldehyde.1972Materials & Technol. V. 95 All types of phenol formaldehyde glue are resistant to organic solvents, bacteria and fungi.Ibid. 96 The largest use of phenol formaldehyde resin adhesives is in gluing wood.
1899J. Cagney tr. Jaksch's Clin. Diagn. vii. 346 A considerable portion of phenol-forming substance.
1899J. Cagney tr. Jaksch's Clin. Diagn. vi. (ed. 4) 240 When the volatile fatty acids and phenol group have passed over in the process of distillation.
1913Chem. Abstr. VII. 796 The authors [sc. Battelli & Stern] recommend that the term phenolase be dropped and the term phenoloxidase be used instead.1920Biochem. Jrnl. XIV. 539 The oxidase (synonymous with laccase, phenoloxidase and phenolase) of the pear and potato.1931E. C. Miller Plant Physiol. xiii. 769 Substances which give the same or similar reactions as laccase toward the phenol compounds..have been named collectively the ‘laccases’, the ‘phenol oxidases’, or the ‘phenolases’.1971I. Zelitch Photosynthesis v. 136 Phenol oxidase activity is responsible for the familiar ‘browning’ observed in plant cells after injury.
1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. II. 948 An antidote to phenol poisoning.
1916Clark & Lubs in Jrnl. Washington Acad. Sci. VI. 488 Phenol red and cresol red are undoubtedly the most reliable indicators of the series.1956Whitby & Hynes Med. Bacteriol. (ed. 6) xi. 151 Collect the supernatant fluid, add a drop of phenol red solution, neutralize with N NaOH, and centrifuge.1974D. H. Kay in W. O. Foye Princ. Med. Chem. xxxvii. 816/2 This dye is also known as phenol red and is official as phenolsulfonphthalein (U.S.P.).
1912J. W. Aylsworth U.S. Pat. 1,020,593 The fusible anhydrous resinous condensation product..(hereinafter termed a ‘phenol resin’) is first prepared by causing a reaction between suitable amounts of phenol and formaldehyde.1923Industr. & Engin. Chem. July 677/1 The phenol resins continue to find wider applications in the industries on account of their physical and chemical properties. R. Nauth Chem. & Technol. Plastics ii. 16 (caption) The dark rings which look like grain are..an effect produced by the phenol resin between the laminated veneers.1973Materials & Technol. VI. viii. 591 Phenol resins are widely used in the furniture and woodworking industries.
d. In comb. with other chemical terms, denominating substances containing or derived from phenol, as phenol-sulphuric acid, C6H6·SO4, phenol-sulphate of potassium, C6H5·K·SO4, phenol-sulphonic acid, C6H4·SO3·OH, etc.; ˌphenolcarˈboxylic (or phenol carboxylic) acid, any acid which contains a carboxyl group and a hydroxyl group bonded to the same benzene ring; ˌphenolsulphonˈphthalein [sulphone + phthalein], a red crystalline solid C19H14O5S, which is used as an indicator in the pH range 6·7 (yellow) to 8·3 (red), and in medicine is given intravenously as a test of kidney function.
1899Collective Index Trans. & Abstr. Chem. Soc. 1873–82 ii. 471/1 Phenolcarboxylic acid. See Hydroxybenzoic acids and Salicylic acid.1946Thorpe's Dict. Appl. Chem. (ed. 4) VII. 285/1 All the compounds of this sub-series have been shown to be phenol carboxylic acid derivatives.., and the majority belong to the depsides.1956[see depside].1975D. Jarvis tr. Hess's Plant Physiol. 128 Phenol carboxylic acids, such as protocatechnic acid and gallic acid, occur widely.
1881Med. Temp. Jrnl. XLVI. 99 Phenol naphthaline changed color both with acids and alkalies.
1876Harley Mat. Med. (ed. 6) 356 Dry powder of phenol-sodium.
1898M. D. Sohon in Amer. Chem. Jrnl. XX. 263 Phenolsulphonphthalein, C19H14SO5..was obtained as a bright red crystalline powder, somewhat soluble in water.1960I. A. Stanton Dict. for Med. Secretaries 116/1 Phenolsulphonphthalein is injected intramuscularly or intravenously and should normally appear in the urine in 10 or 15 minutes.1974[see phenol red in c].
1878Kingzett Anim. Chem. 237 Phenol-sulphuric acid.




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