

单词 photocopy
释义 I. photocopy, v.|ˈfəʊtəʊkɒpɪ|
[f. photo- 2 + copy v.1
In quot. 1924 the formation is prob. photo + copying machine rather than photocopy + -ing + machine.]
trans. To make a photocopy of. So ˈphotocopied ppl. a., ˈphotocopying vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1924C. W. Hackleman Commerc. Engraving & Printing (rev. ed.) 792 Photo copying machines. In Fig. 2015 is shown a machine for making copies of records, drawings,..flat merchandise, etc., by a simplified method of photography, the copies being made in enlarged, reduced or natural size directly upon sensitized paper.Ibid. 793 (caption) Prints as made with a photo copying machine.1942H. H. Fussler Photogr. Reproduction for Libraries xi. 192 Less expensive papers can be used in many instances for enlargement printing than are required in the original photocopying machines.1948Library Assoc. Rec. Feb. 37/1 There are private photocopying firms in most cities.1952I. Graham Encycl. Advertising 350/1 The original subject may be photocopied in actual, enlarged, or reduced size; the finished photocopy may be black on a white background (called a ‘positive’) or white on a black background (called a ‘negative’).1958S. Hyland Who goes Hang? xxxix. 184 Neat files of photo-copied documents.1958H. R. Verry Document Copying vii. 40 Photocopying processes are..able to copy material which cannot be reproduced on the typewriter, such as drawings, half-tone and line illustrations.1966McGraw-Hill Encycl. Sci. & Technol. X. 142/2 Photocopying processes may be somewhat arbitrarily divided into seven classes: silver halide photocopying, transfer processes, thermography.., plan copying, electrostatic processes, the electrolytic process, and microfilming.1968Brit. Med. Bull. XXIV. 222/1 Many laboratories..have used photocopying or laboratory record cards as a means of reporting their results.1972A. Price Col. Butler's Wolf vi. 55 He passed the sheets to Butler. Anonymous, greyish photocopying paper; the reproduction of a letter.1973Nature 16 Mar. 147/2 Advance copies of the technical report are available in photocopied form.1976P. Hill Hunters v. 47 Here's the questionnaire, get it photocopied.
II. photocopy, n.|ˈfəʊtəʊkɒpɪ|
[f. prec. or f. photo- 2 + copy n.]
A copy of documentary material made by any of various processes (usu. involving the chemical or electrical action of light on a specially prepared surface) in a copying machine and usu. the same size as the original.
1934in Webster.1952[see prec.].1958S. Hyland Who goes Hang? xxii. 97 A simple photo-copy, in black and white, of a..drawing.1966Lancet 24 Dec. 1414/1, I was flattered enough to have some photocopies made of my modest contribution.1971Physics Bull. Nov. 682/1 In the USA, theses are readily available either on microfilm or as photocopies.1973‘C. Aird’ His Burial Too xiv. 130 The photocopy..had been folded neatly inside a telephone directory.




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