

单词 phrenetical
释义 phreˈnetical, a. Obs.
Also 6 phræ-, 6–7 fre-.
[f. as prec. + -al1.]
1. = phrenetic a. 1 and 2.
1588J. Harvey Disc. Probl. 34 Do they not..proceede from some odde vaine phantasticall, or phreneticall braines?1663Bp. Patrick Parab. Pilgr. (1673) 122 Dæmoniacks and phrenetical people.1674Owen Holy Spirit (1693) 195 Some Persons Phrenetical and Enthusiastical, whose Madness is manifest to all.
2. = phrenetic a. 3.
a1548Hall Chron., Hen. V 65 b, Thether came Isabell, the Frenche Quene, because the kyng her husband was fallen into his old freneticall desease.1602T. Fitzherbert Apol. 62 The phantastical or rather phrenetical opinions of these new fangled fellowes.1696Bp. Patrick Comm. Exod. x. 170 Another raving fit or phrenetical symptom.




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