

单词 phthisic
释义 phthisic, n. and a. Now rare.|ˈtɪzɪk|
Forms: α. 4–5 tysyk, tisyk, -ik(e, 5 tyseke, -ik, 6 tysyc, -ike, tisicke, tissike, 7 tissick(e, -ique, tisick, tizzick, tysick(e, thisicke. β. 5 ptisike, 6 ptisique, ptysyke, 6–7 ptisicke, 7 ptysick, pthysic(k, -isicke, 7–8 ptisick, 8 ptysic. γ. 6 phthisik(e, -icke, 6–8 -ick, 7 -ysique, phtisique, -ick, 8 phthysick, 8– phthisic.
[ME. tisik(e n., a. OF. tisike, -ique, later ptisique, thisique = It., Sp. tisica consumption, phthisis, repr. a Romanic phthisica, thisica n. fem., absolute use of phthisic-us, -a, -um adj., a. Gr. ϕθισικ-ός consumptive, f. ϕθίσις phthisis. OF. had also the adj. tisike, tesike (11th c. in Littré, 13th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), ptisique, mod.F. phtisique, phthisique; the F. n. is now phthisie. The current pronunciation has come down from the ME. tisik.]
A. n.
1. A wasting disease of the lungs; pulmonary consumption.
α1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 701 Many yvels..Als fevyr, dropsy, and launys, Tysyk, goute and other maladys.c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 164 Men þat ben hurt in þe lungis falliþ in þe tisik.1551Turner Herbal i. F iv b, It is also good for the tysyc.1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts (1658) 536 The milk of a sow..is also good against the bloudy flux and tissick.1656Earl of Monmouth tr. Boccalini's Advts. fr. Parnass. 41 Hectick Feavers and Tissicks.a1683Oldham Poet. Wks. (1686) 44 But count all Reprobate..Whom he, when Gout or Tissick Rage, shall curse.
βc1450Trevisa's Barth. De P.R. vii. xxxi. (Bodl. MS.), Ptisike is consumcioun and wasting of kinde humours of þe bodie. Euerich þat haþ tisike haþ etike.1572J. Jones Bathes of Bath Pref. 2 Some with Ptisique, Stone, Strangurie [etc.].1669Worlidge Syst. Agric. (1681) 297 The North⁓wind..is injurious to the Cough, Ptisick, and Gout.1762–71H. Walpole Vertue's Anecd. Paint. (1786) III. 225 Being troubled with a ptysic, he retired to Marybone.
γ1576Baker Jewell of Health 58 The Phthisick or Sore in the Lunges with a Consumption of all the bodie.1693Phil. Trans. XVII. 1002 Of the various Kinds and Causes of the Phthisick.1756C. Lucas Ess. Waters III. 367 A variety of pulmonic phthisics.1844Blackw. Mag. LVI. 199 If he left off without having thrown himself into a phthisic.
2. Loosely applied to various lung or throat affections; a severe cough; asthma. Obs.
a1412Lydg. Two Merch. 315 Drye tisyk is withal partable.c1430Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 51 A drye tysik makith old men ful feynt.1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) IV. 287 Herode Ascalonite..was vexede..with vermyn commenge from his secrete membres, with a stynche intollerable, and with a violente tisike.1641Milton Animadv. 8 When liberty of speaking..was girded and straight lac't almost to a broken-winded tizzick.a1741T. Chalkley Wks. (1766) 286 A sore Fit of the Asthma or Phthysick.
B. adj. = phthisical a.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. v. xxii. (Bodl. MS.), Tisike men alwey cowȝeþ for þe boch of þe lunges.1587L. Mascall Govt. Cattle, Hogges (1627) 263 They wil haue the disease of the lights, which is, to bee pursie and ptisicke.1610P. Barrough Meth. Physick ii. xii. (1639) 90 You must prescribe to those that be ptisick, a convenient diet.1694Phil. Trans. XVIII. 280 In Hectick, Phthisick, and Asthmatick cases.1859Sala Tw. round Clock (1861) 372 His colleague's accordion is suspended in the midst of a phthisic wheeze.




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