

单词 pia mater
释义 pia mater Anat.|ˈpaɪə ˈmeɪtə(r)|
[med.L.; a somewhat incorrect rendering of the Arabic name umm raqīqah ‘thin or tender mother’ (Ibn Duraid, a.d. 933): cf. names of other investing membranes in umm mother, esp. dura mater.
(Fanciful explanations of the name are frequent in western writers: cf. quot. 1548.)]
A delicate fibrous and very vascular membrane which forms the innermost of the three meninges enveloping the brain and spinal cord; the other two being the arachnoid and the dura mater. In quots. 1593, 1606 transf. = brain.
c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 112 Pia mater enuyrounneþ al þe brayn, & departiþ him into iij celoles þat ben chaumbris.1525[see dura mater].1548–77Vicary Anat. iv, It is called Piamater..for because it is so softe and tender ouer the brayne, that it nourisheth the brayne and feedeth it, as doth a louing mother vnto her tender childe.1593Nashe Four Lett. Confut. Wks. (Grosart) II. 272 Thou turmoilst thy pia mater to prove base births better than the ofspring of many discents.1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. ii. i. 78 His Piamater is not worth the ninth part of a Sparrow.1761Brit. Mag. II. 116 An inflammation of the pia mater, which had produced a most furious delirium.1854Jones & Siev. Pathol. Anat. (1875) 232 The arachnoid is entirely dependent for its supply of blood upon the pia mater.
fig.1681Whole Duty Nations 35 It becomes the very ligament and sinews of Government, a pia mater to the sacredness of Authority.
Hence pia-ˈmatral a., of or pertaining to the pia mater; = pial.
1887H. Gray's Anat. (ed. 11) 805 Between the pia-matral and the arachnoid sheath.




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