

单词 respray
释义 reˈspray, v.
[re- 5 a.]
trans. To spray (esp. with paint) again. Hence reˈsprayed ppl. a.; reˈspraying vbl. n. Also ˈrespray n., the action or fact of spraying again.
1934Webster, Respray, v.t.1959Listener 16 Apr. 657/2 The car had been re-sprayed.1962Law Rep. 1961 26 July 35 The defendant appealed against so much of the decision as ordered him to pay for the respray.Ibid. 40 The defendant should be taken to have injured a motor-car that was already in certain respects (that is, in respect of the need for respraying) injured.1968‘D. Rutherford’ Skin for Skin ii. 16 The engine's nearly perfect but she does need a re⁓spray.1975G. Seymour Harry's Game iii. 46 The stolen and resprayed Cortina.1976M. Gilbert Night of Twelfth vii. 65 A car which..was resprayed. First with a light grey undercoat, then with a dark grey finish.




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