

单词 pick-
释义 pick-
in Comb. Mostly the stem or imperative of pick v.1 with an object, forming ns.
pick-a-bud dial., the bullfinch; pick-and-gad a. (see quot.); pick-and-shovel a., that uses a pick and shovel; also fig.; pickbrain a. poet., that picks one's brains; pick-cheese dial., the great and blue tits; the fruit or cheese of the mallow; pick-fault n., a fault-finder; adj. fault-finding; pick-harness, one who strips the slain of their armour; pick-mote, one who draws attention to trivial faults in others; pick-penny, one who greedily collects or steals money; pick-point, some obsolete game for children; pick-proof a., secure against picking; pick-shelf, a pilferer of provisions; pick-straw, a trifler: cf. to pick straw s.v. straw n.; pick-thong dial., a kind of apple. Also pick-free a., safe from picking or plundering. See also pick-a-tree, picklock, pickpocket, pickthank, etc.
1852P. Parley's Ann. 182 The bullfinch has got a very bad character, and gardeners have a great dislike to what they call the ‘*Pick-a-bud’.
1883Encycl. Brit. XVI. 444/2 The so-called ‘*pick and gad’ work consists in breaking away the easy ground with the point of the pick, wedging off pieces with the gad, [etc.].
1895F. Remington Pony Tracks 193 They are all cavalry..and are not hindered by..*pick-and-shovel work.1907Westm. Gaz. 11 Mar. 9/3 You don't look much like pick-and-shovel men.1911Chambers's Jrnl. Mar. 167/2 The ordinary pick-and-shovel man earns..one shilling and eightpence per day.1930Blunden De Bello Germanico 42 Taking pick-and-shovel troops forward.1953Sun (Baltimore) 24 Nov. 40/1 Chief Magistrate Sherr yesterday called the search for motorists who have ignored a series of tickets a ‘pick and shovel job’, in contrast to the ‘machine age system’ he saw in action during a trip to New York city.1977H. Greene FSO-1 vii. 63 He had a love for the pick-and-shovel people, the working stiffs behind the men..who wielded power.
1934Dylan Thomas 18 Poems 25 My *pickbrain masters morsing on the stone Despair of blood, faith in the maiden's slime.
a1825Forby Voc. E. Anglia, *Pick-cheese, the tit-mouse.1848Zoologist VI. 2186 Parus major and cæruleus are both known by the name of ‘pick-cheese’.1863Atkinson Stanton Grange (1864) 229 They was mostlings thae blue-caps or pick-cheeses.1895Emerson Birds 64 Tree-mallows or ‘pick-cheese trees’, as they are locally called.
1546T. Phaer Bk. Childr. (1553) A ij, I neuer intended nor yet doo entende to satisfie y⊇ mindes of any suche *pikefautes.1565T. Stapleton Fortr. Faith 120 The Manichees, busy pickefault heretikes of that age.
a1652Brome Court Beggar Epil., You wil secure their Purses cut-free, and their pockts *pick-free.
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xx. 261 Alle other in bataille ben yholde bribours, Pilours and *pykehernois [1393 C. xxiii. 263 pyke-herneys].c1460Towneley Myst. ii. 37 How! pike-harnes, how! com heder belife!
1549Latimer 3rd Serm. bef. Edw. VI (Arb.) 80 Kinges haue clawe backes and docter *pyke mote and his fellowe aboute them.
c1440Promp. Parv. 397/1 *Pyke⁓peny, cupidinarius.1664H. More Myst. Iniq. ix. 143 [The Pope] sending out..his hungry Pick-peny's throughout the whole Pastorage of the Empire.
1801Strutt Sp. & Past. iv. iv. §16 *Pick-point, Venter-point, Blow-point, and Gregory, occur in a description of the children's games in the sixteenth century.
1950Sun (Baltimore) 4 Mar. 2/7 A new electric ‘*pickproof’ motor car lock..is being manufactured.1976National Observer (U.S.) 29 May 9/2 Eastside tailor seeks design for pick-proof man's hip pocket.
1861L. L. Noble Icebergs 295 The ship's cat..an incorrigible thief and *pick-shelf, and bent on making the most of us while we last.
1580G. Harvey Let. Spenser Wks. (Grosart) I. 72, I know what peace and quietnes hath done with some melancholy *pickstrawes in the world.
1871T. Hardy Desperate Remedies I. viii. 274 We are only just grinden down the early *pick-thongs.




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