

单词 pilfer
释义 I. pilfer, n. Now rare.|ˈpɪlfə(r)|
Forms: 5 pilfre, pelfyr, -fere, 5–6 pylfre, 7– pilfer.
[In earlier form app. a. OF. pelfre spoil (11th c. in Godef.): see pelf n. In 17th c. use, perh. viewed as formed immediately on pilfer v.]
1. That which is pilfered or plundered; spoil, plunder, booty; in early use also = pilfery 1.
c1400Mandeville's Brut (E.E.T.S.) 13 All þat other pylfre he ȝaf vn-to other folk of þ⊇ ost.1412–20Lydg. Chron. Troy iii. xxvii. (MS. Digby 230 lf. 133/2), Nor swiche pilfre spoilinge nor roberie Appartene nat to worthy chiualrie.c1440Promp. Parv. 391/1 Pelfyr, spolium.1496Dives & Pauper vii. i. 277/1 Open theft is whan the theef is taken with his pelfere.1539St. Papers Hen. VIII, III. 155 The..Scottys fled, and left mych corne, butters, and other pylfre.1607R. C[arew] tr. Estienne's World of Wonders 85 Peaceably to enjoy their pilfer and pray.1791W. Gilpin Forest Scenery II. 40 Too many..depend on the precarious supply of forest pilfer.
2. Comb., as pilfer-proof adj.
1959Light Metals Jan. 18/3 Specially designed extrusions..provide a weather- and pilfer-proof seal where the two pivoting roof sections meet axially.1965Economist 3 July 35/4 Weld mesh cages, fitted to the decks, can be locked before being stowed, thus becoming pilfer-proof.1969Jane's Freight Containers 1968–69 (Advt. section) 21 Because the Freightank is pilferproof insurance premiums are reduced.
II. pilfer, v.|ˈpɪlfə(r)|
Also 6 pelfer, pylfer.
[app. a. OF. or AF. pelfre-r to pillage, rob (11th c. in Godef.): see pelf v.; but (from its late appearance) perh. an Eng. formation on pelfer, pilfer n.]
1. trans. To plunder, steal; spec. (in later use), to steal in small quantities, to filch, peculate.
1550Bale Eng. Votaries ii. 28 He taught hym how to recouer agayne the possessyons and landes pelfered awaye by the kynges from hys archebyshopryck.1577J. Northbrooke Dicing (1843) 135 If during the time of their play, any thing be pilfered or stollen out of his house, hee shall haue no lawe at all for it.1633G. Herbert Temple, Submission iii, Pilfring what I once did give.1756Mitchell in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. ii. IV. 376 Happening to meet a waggon..he thought there might be something to pilfer.1836–9Dickens Sk. Boz, Black Veil, Old palings..mended with stakes pilfered from the neighbouring hedges.
fig.1625Bacon Ess., Greatness of Kingd. (Arb.) 473 The Commanders..wisht him, to set vpon them by Night; But hee answered, He would not pilfer the Victory.1784Cowper Task i. 131 And not a year but pilfers as he goes Some youthful grace that age would gladly keep.1807–8W. Irving Salmag. xix. (1860) 441 Old time..is a knave who..From the fairest of beauties will pilfer their youth.
b. To plunder or rob (a person or place). rare.
1838Prescott Ferd. & Is. (1846) I. vii. 314 The Egyptians, whom it was a merit to deceive and pilfer.1888Bryce Amer. Commw. II. lxvii. 520 In some States the treasury was pilfered.
2. intr. or absol. To pillage, plunder; spec. (in later use), to commit petty theft.
a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII 204 b, And when the Turkes saw the Cristen men styll pylfer (as the vsage of Souldiers is) they issued out of their holde.a1618Raleigh Rem. (1664) 90 As many of your Lordships as have pilfered from the Crown.1726–31Tindal Rapin's Hist. Eng. xvii. (1743) II. 121 An Englishman being taken pilfering raised a quarrel.1879H. Spencer Data of Ethics xv. §102. 264 A servant who..pilfers, may have to suffer pain from being discharged.
Hence ˈpilfered, ˈpilfering ppl. adjs.; also ˈpilferingly adv.
1599Shakes. Hen. V, i. ii. 142 To defend Our in-land from the pilfering Borderers.1611Cotgr., Subreptivement, pilferingly, by stealth, by false meanes.1821Clare Vill. Minstr. I. 73 Mistaking me for pilfering boy.1878B. Taylor Deukalion i. v, My pilfered strength shall of itself return.




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