

单词 pinnacle
释义 I. pinnacle, n.|ˈpɪnək(ə)l|
Forms: 4–6 pynakle, 4–7 pynacle, 4–8 pinacle, 5–6 pynnacle, 4– pinnacle (also 5 penakull, pinnakyl, pynakell, -kill, pynnakel, -kylle, 6 pinakle, pinnakil, pynne-, pynnokill, 7 penacle, 7–8 pinnicle).
[ME. pinacle, a. OF. pinacle (1261), pinnacle, F. pinacle, ad. late L. pinnāculum (Tertull., Vulg. Matt. iv. 5), dim. of pinna wing, pinnacle, point.
In the Vulgate, Matt. iv. 5, pinnāculum renders Gr. πτερύγιον, dim. of πτέρυξ wing, and was thus evidently meant as a dim. of pinna in sense ‘wing’: cf. the parallel pinna in Luke iv. 9. But in later times pinnāculum appears to have been viewed as belonging to L. pinna in the sense ‘point, edge, battlement’, which Walde separates from pinna, variant of penna feather: see pin n.1 The Old Latin version in its earliest form had in Matt. iv. 5 and Luke iv. 9 fastigium top or apex of a gable.]
1. a. A small ornamental turret, usually terminating in a pyramid or cone, crowning a buttress, or rising above the roof or coping of a building. (In early use sometimes applied to a battlement.)
c1330Owayn Miles 38 Arches y-bent with charbukel ston Knottes of rede gold..And pinacles of cristal.c1380Wyclif Serm. Sel. Wks. I. 110 Þe fend..putte him above þe pynacle of þe temple: þat sum men seyen weren þe aleis.1382Matt. iv. 5 Thanne the deuyl..sette hym on the pynacle of the temple.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) VI. 369 Þey took oure lady smok..and sette þe smok uppon þe pinacles [super propugnacula sua exposuerunt] as it were a baner.1448Hen. VI Will in Willis & Clark Cambridge (1886) I. 355 A grete square Tour..in..height with the batelment and the pynacles .C.xl. fete.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VII 59 The violence of the wynde had blowen doune an Egle of brasse..from a pynnacle or spire of Paules Church.1600J. Pory tr. Leo's Africa ii. 69 Upon the top of this turret is built a certaine spire or pinnacle rising sharpe in forme of a sugar-loafe.1665Sir T. Herbert Trav. (1677) 75 He..slew..their Ring-leader, whose head he sent to Amadabat, and..commanded that it should be set upon a Pinacle.1696Phillips (ed. 5), Pinnacle, the highest Top of any Spire.1777Robertson Hist. Amer. (1778) I. iii. 241 They fancied these to be cities adorned with towers and pinacles.1845Parker Gloss. Archit. s.v., Pinnacle..consists of a shaft and top; this last is generally in the form of a small spire, surmounted with a finial and often crocketed at the angles, and is sometimes called a finial.1851Ruskin Stones Ven. (1874) I. xv. 165 If there had been no other place for pinnacles, the Gothic builders would have put them on the tops of their arches..rather than not have had them.
b. transf. A vertical pointed structure resembling the above; a pyramid. Obs.
13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 1463 Þe coperounes of þe canacles þat on þe cuppe reres, Wer fetysely formed out in fylyoles longe; Pinnacles pyȝt þer apert þat profert bitwene.a1400Lydg. Chorle & Birde in Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 183 Thowe my cage forged were with golde, And the pynacles of birrale and cristale.c1530in Gutch Coll. Cur. II. 328 Item vj Sponnes gilte withe Pynnacles of thends.1535Aberdeen Regr. XV. 587 (Jam.) Twa pynnokillis of skynnis.15..Ibid. XVI. 524 Ane pynnekill of skynnis, contenand ix score and six.1632Lithgow Trav. iii. 104 There was a Pinacle reared vpon the Walles of the Fort with their bare sculs.a1674Milton Hist. Mosc. v, At Dinner he sat bare⁓headed, his Crown and rich Cap standing on a Pinacle by.1703T. N. City & C. Purchaser 2 Pedestals upon..a Pediment to support Statues..may properly be called Pinacles.
2. Any natural peaked formation; esp. a lofty rock or stone pointed at the top; a peak. Also, a rock projecting out of the sea. (In first two quots. perh. applied to a point projecting into the sea.)
13..Guy Warw. (A.) 1719 At a pinacle bi þe se Gij seye a man of rewly ble Go in pilgrims wede.14..Sir Beues 1283 + 94 (MS.C.) He kepeth him in a castel..Closed with þe salt flood, In a penakull of the see.1582Stanyhurst æneis i. (Arb.) 19 Shee..his carcasse on rockish pinnacle hanged.c1611Chapman Iliad viii. 115 The brows Of all steepe hils and pinnacles.1795Anderson Brit. Embassy China xv. 167 An immense pillar, or column of solid rock..situated on the pinnacle of a large mountain.1878H. S. Wilson Alp. Ascents i. 7 The pure-white pinnacle of the..Weisshorn.1949Sun (Baltimore) 5 Nov. 3/4 The big Panamanian freighter was listing badly and threatening ‘to slip off at any minute’. It was described as being caught on a ‘pinnacle’ with water of 36 to 60 feet depth around it.
3. fig. A high or lofty place or situation; the highest point or pitch; the culmination or point of perfection; the acme, climax. (Sometimes applied to a person.)
14..in Tundale's Vis. (1843) 141 Seyde tho virgyn with⁓owttyn vice..That holy pynakell preued of price.c1485Digby Myst. (1882) ii. 240 He ys a chosen wessell,..A very pynacle of the fayth.1621T. Williamson tr. Goulart's Wise Vieillard 92 Being ascended to the top and pynacle of true knowledge.a1659Osborn Charac., etc. Wks. (1673) 634 The highest Pinnacle of my Ambition.1752Hume Ess. & Treat. (1777) I. 254 To have reached the pinnacle of perfection.1869W. P. Mackay Grace & Truth (1875) 167 How can I reach the pinnacle of earthly fame?1878R. B. Smith Carthage 267 This was the pinnacle of Hannibal's success, and a pinnacle indeed it was.
4. attrib. and Comb.
1594Nashe Terrors of Night Wks. (Grosart) III. 263 Nere those pinacle rocks called the Needles.1837Civ. Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. I. 57/2 The archway..is flanked with columns, niches, pediments, and crocketed pinnacle finials.1890Cent. Dict., Pinnacle work, in arch. and decoration, ornamental projections, especially at the top of any object.1901Wide World Mag. VIII. 132/1 Jagged, pinnacle-like rocks.1916Daily Colonist (Victoria, B.C.) 14 July 11/3 On her last voyage in the westward route the Dora struck a pinnacle rock and developed a serious leak.
II. ˈpinnacle, v.
[f. prec. n.]
1. trans. To set on or as on a pinnacle; in quot. 1816, to rear as a pinnacle.
1656S. H. Gold. Law 15 To stand..pinacled on the highest point of the Temple, ready for precipitation.1816Byron Ch. Har. iii. lxii, The Alps, The palaces of Nature, whose vast walls Have pinnacled in clouds their snowy scalps.1878Browning Poets Croisic xxiii, Such a mighty moment of success As pinnacled him..in full display, For the whole world to worship.
2. To form the pinnacle of, to crown. Also fig.
1818Byron Ch. Har. iv. cix, This mountain, whose obliterated plan The pyramid of empires pinnacled.1840R. C. Horne Gregory VII, i. i. (ed. 2) 6 It pinnacles all crimes..Touching God's footstool with a sharp assault!




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