

单词 placet
释义 placet|ˈpleɪsɛt|
[a. L. placet ‘it pleases’, 3rd sing. pres. ind. of placēre to please.]
1. The Latin for ‘it pleases (me or us)’.
The word is part of the form used in the old Universities when a question is put to the vote: ‘Placetne vobis, domini doctores? placetne vobis, magistri?’ (Does it please you, Doctors? does it please you, Masters?); the answer being ‘Placet’, or ‘Non placet’. The declaration of the vote after a count is in the form, ‘Majori parti placet’, or ‘non placet’, as the case may be. It is also in the power of the Vice-Chancellor, or of the Proctors conjointly, to veto any proposal by their ‘Non placet’, as in quot. 1893.
c1592Marlowe Massacre Paris ii. vi. Wks. (Rtldg.) 240/1 Whilst I cry placet, like a senator.1893Liddon, etc. Life Pusey I. xvi. 378 Amidst a tremendous shout of ‘Placet’ from the area the decisive formula was uttered, ‘Nobis procuratoribus non placet’ [Us, the proctors, it pleases not], and the question of the statute was for the time at an end.
2. as n.
a. The expression of assent or sanction (by this word); formerly, the assent of the temporal power necessary for the publication and execution of an ecclesiastical ordinance. Also transf. and fig.
1589Nashe Pref. Greene's Menaphon (Arb.) 5 Whose placet he accounts the plaudite of his paines.1593tr. Guicciardini's Descr. Low-C. 21 b, The pope cannot giue a benefice, nor a pardon, nor send a bull into the countrey without the Princes Placet.1871[see availingly adv.].1937F. Borkenau Spanish Cockpit i. 42 He had simply been commander of the Barcelona garrison, and for his coup d'état had got the placet of the other generals.1973Times Lit. Suppl. 1 June 618/4 He was consecrated in 1583 [as Bishop of Kythera] but the Venetians refused him their placet.
b. A vote of assent in a council, or in the congregation or convocation of a university.
1883Manch. Exam. 1 Dec. 4/7 The report..was rejected by 40 non-placets to 39 placets.1905Daily News 6 Mar. 6 ‘Why should the University be ruled from the country parishes?’..was asked again by the ‘placet’ party.
3. erron. for placit, q.v.




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