

单词 plainteous
释义 I. ˈplainteous, a. Sc. Obs.
Forms: 5 playntis, plaintwiss, 5–6 planteous, 6 plant-, plentuous, 7 plenteous.
[app. for orig. type *plaintivous, f. F. plaintif, -ive plaintive + -ous: cf. piteous, plenteous: see -eous.]
Complaining, making or bringing a complaint.
1456Sir G. Haye Law Arms (S.T.S.) 116 [He] suld do justice till all men that ar playntis of his men as to merchandis and vitalaris of the ost and otheris.1476Acta Audit. (1839) 41/2 To Raiss new summondis..apone the said Johne of forbass..& all vþiris parsonis þt he is plaintwiss of.1563Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 244 The lait attemptatis, quhairof ye ar plantuous in youre lettir.1565Ibid. 414 Gif ony of oure trew subjectis be..plentuous of him.1609Skene Reg. Maj., Baron Courts ii. §3. 101 Attachments..be the quhilk ane party is constrained against his wil to stand to the law, and to doe sic right and reason as he aught of law to ane other partie, that is plenteous on him.
II. plainteous
obs. Sc. form of plenteous.




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