

单词 plaintiff
释义 plaintiff|ˈpleɪntɪf|
Forms: 4–5 pleint-, pleynt-, 4–6 playnt-, 5–6 plent-, 6– plaint-; 4–5 -yf, 4–6 -if, -yff(e, 6 -yfe, -ife, -iffe, 5– -iff, (6 plainetife, plantife, 7 -ive).
[a. OF. plaintif, n. use of plaintif, -ive adj. plaintive.
Plaintiff and plaintive are orig. the same word in Eng., as in F.; but, in the n. use, the original -if of the masculine has come down through law-French, while as adj. the word has shared in the common history of adjs. in -if, -ive; in their use, also, the two have diverged, so that a plaintiff is no longer thought of as a plaintive person.]
1. Law. The party who brings a suit into a court of law; a complainant, prosecutor; opposed to defendant.
[1278Rolls of Parlt. I. 10/2 Al quel jour,..les pleintifs, e les veisins ke furen sumuns vindrent.]a1400in Eng. Gilds (1870) 360 So þt þe playntyf to euerych court hym profry to þe to somaunce procuratours.1436Rolls of Parlt. IV. 501/2 Ye Pleintifs in the seid Actions.1550–3Decaye Eng. in Four Suppl. (E.E.T.S.) 96 As for all other shyres, we refer it to the playntyues.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 103 When the plantife had propounded and charged him with injuries.1601Shakes. Twel. N. v. i. 362 Thou shalt be both the Plaintiffe and the Iudge Of thine owne cause.1637Saltonstall Eusebius Constantine 80 Hee sent Commissioners to examine the matter, and releeve the Plaintives.1641Termes de la Ley 219 Plaintife is hee that sueth or complaineth in an Assise, or in an action personall, as in a action of debt, trespasse, deceit, detinue, and such other.1797Godwin Enquirer ii. v. 225 He will plead for the plaintiff today.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) I. 261 Judgement was given for the plaintiff.1837Dickens Pickw. xxxiv, ‘Do you find for the plaintiff, gentlemen, or for the defendant?’ ‘For the plaintiff.’
2. generally. One who complains; a complainer. Obs. (Usually with more or less reference to the legal sense.)
a1533Ld. Berners Gold. Bk. M. Aurel. (1546) Nn vij, If I had as muche knowlage, where to complayne to the, as thou haste power to remedye the playntife.1627W. Sclater Exp. 2 Thess. (1629) 254 But in this, which toucheth neerest clamourous plaintiues, how may the people bee excused?1671Howe Van. Man Wks. 1836 I. 389 Besides the evil which had already befallen the plaintiff [the writer of the 89th Psalm], a further danger nearly threatened him.
b. One who ‘complains’ of illness. Obs.
1633Hart Diet Diseased iii. xi. 270 Many of these plantives..will often in their need, sooner have recourse to some ignorant Empericke.
3. attrib. (appositive), as plaintiff company, plaintiff-deponent.
1802–12Bentham Ration. Judic. Evid. (1827) I. 473 Mendacity-serving information from him to the plaintiff-deponent.1897Westm. Gaz. 12 Mar. 9/1 The company in respect of whom the licence was assigned was not the present plaintiff company.
Hence ˈplaintiffship, the position of a plaintiff.
1833Moore Mem. (1856) VII. 18 Those who had signed an agreement to bear Murray harmless through his plaintiffship.




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