

单词 plaistering
释义 ˈplastering, plaistering, vbl. n.
1. The action of the verb plaster.
a. Working or covering with or as with plaster.
α1453Mem. Ripon (Surtees) III. 160 Johanni Plastr' pro plasteryng muri aulæ.1598in Willis & Clark Cambridge (1886) II. 252 Places wher plasteringe is needefull.1703Moxon Mech. Exerc. 249 Names and Uses of Tools relating to Plastering.1880M. E. Braddon Just as I am iv, Doing an odd job of plastering.
βc1440Promp. Parv. 402/2 Playstrynge of wallys, litura, gipsatus.1663Gerbier Counsel 79 Playstering upon Lath.1667Primatt City & C. Build. 67 For Lathing and Plaistering against Ceelings and Partitions.
b. Application of a curative plaster.
c1440Promp. Parv. 402/2 Playsterynge of sorys, cataplasmacio.1591Percivall Sp. Dict., Emplastradura, plaistering, fomentatio.1641‘Smectymnuus’ Answ. (1653) 68 The plaistring or palliating of these rotten members.a1716South Serm. (1744) VIII. ii. 55 In spight of all our plaisterings and dressings of it 'twill prove incurable.
c. Formation of a sticky mass.
1812Sir J. Sinclair Syst. Husb. Scot. i. 215 That dry friable porous surface..upon which, if rain falls, no plastering ensues.
d. The treatment of wines with gypsum.
1872Thudichum & Dupré Treat. Origin, Nature & Var. Wine iv. 119 (heading) Plastering of wine and must.Ibid. 121 Diminution of yield is..not the only drawback connected with the plastering of wine.1873J. L. W. Thudichum On Wines, their Production, Treatment & Use ii. 16/1 Sherry..if properly treated, does not require either plastering, or the addition of..boiled must.1895S. P. Sadtler Handbk. Industr. Org. Chem. (ed. 2) 204 Of the methods of ‘improving’ wines, as it is termed, that known as ‘plastering’ is probably most largely practised.1959W. James Word-bk. Wine 145 It is said that plastering was given a bad name in England by whisky distillers jealous of sherry's growing popularity.1967A. Lichine Encycl. Wines & Spirits 405/1 Plastering, addition of plaster of Paris (gypsum or calcium sulphate) to low-acid musts to induce the necessary degree of acidity.
2. concr. Plastered work; a coating of plaster, or of anything plastered or daubed on.
α1580Hollyband Treas. Fr. Tong s.v. Enduit, The plastring of a house.1703Moxon Mech. Exerc. 249 They..brish over their new Plastering when they set, or finish it.1847Smeaton Builder's Man. 17 When plastering is laid and set hard on bricks which are not perfectly dry.1899Westm. Gaz. 14 Dec. 2/2 Those stiff plasterings of guipure lace on coat collars and revers lost favour with the chic.
β1538Elyot, Tectorium, the playstrynge or pariettynge of a house.a1661B. Holyday Juvenal 122 After that she has taken-off the plaistering of steeped bread and asses milk.1726Leoni Alberti's Archit. II. 14/2 The middle coat, which we call plaistering, is to prevent any faults or defects in..the other two.
3. attrib., as plastering-work.
1538Elyot, Tectorium opus, perietting or plastring wark.1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 227 Plastering worke, and earthly mixture.1726Leoni Alberti's Archit. I. 35/2 River⁓sand..is more tractable and better for Plaistering-work.1765Museum Rust. IV. 80 Plaistering-lath, 1s. 5d. per bunch.




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