

单词 plating
释义 plating, vbl. n.|ˈpleɪtɪŋ|
[f. plate v. + -ing1.]
1. The action of the verb plate in various senses.
a. The making or application of metal plates; spec. in Surg.: cf. plate v. 1 b.
1831J. Holland Manuf. Metal I. 139 The operation of plating..in the manufacture of spades and shovels.1890W. J. Gordon Foundry 67 When it comes to the plating—the ‘shell plating’, as it is called—the hand-hammer has still to be brought into play.1914A. P. C. Ashhurst Surgery xii. 313 It is better not to plate a recent compound fracture.., but to postpone the plating until the soft parts have healed.1971W. J. W. Sharrard Paediatric Orthopaedics & Fractures xx. 985 (heading) Sound union of both fractures 8 weeks after plating.
b. The process of coating with a thin adherent layer of precious metal or other, spec. by means of electrolysis.
1825J. Nicholson Operat. Mechanic 725 Copper may likewise be plated by heating it, and burnishing leaf-silver upon it; so may iron and brass. This process is called French Plating.1869Boutell Arms & Arm. ii. (1874) 29 The decorative processes of plating, gilding, and enamelling.1872Jrnl. Chem. Soc. XXV. 1134 Plating with aluminium cannot be effected.1946Trans. Electrochem. Soc. LXXXIX. 384 In a recent cost analysis..on the plating of an electric flatiron, it cost $0·46 to apply nickel and chromium.1966McGraw-Hill Encycl. Sci. & Technol. IV. 531/1 It is difficult to apply zinc coatings thinner than about 0·002 in. by hot dipping... For many articles, thinner coatings are adequate and are applied by plating.1968R. W. Berry Thin Film Technol. v. 266 In vapor plating, a volatile compound of the substance to be deposited is vaporized, then thermally decomposed at the substrate to yield the desired deposit.1972[see plate v. 2 b].
c. See quot., and cf. plated 2 b.
1844G. Dodd Textile Manuf. vi. 197 A process termed ‘plating’ which..consists in putting a coating of silk on a substratum..of cotton.
d. The shoeing of a horse with plates or racing-shoes. Also attrib.
1840–70D. P. Blaine Encycl. Rur. Sports §1237 In the plating of race-horses, much caution is required in the selection of a proper smith.Ibid. §1238 Either of these varieties of plating shoes.1951E. Rickman Come racing with Me viii. 63 Principal items are veterinary charges, shoeing (or ‘plating’ as it is called).
e. Plate-racing.
1865Daily Tel. 7 Nov. 5/2 Frittering away its money in minor and unseasonable plating.1875‘Stonehenge’ Brit. Sports ii. i. v. §1. 429. 1888 Illustr. Sport. & Dram. News 21 Jan. 511/1 Will they [young race-horses] descend to the depths.., and after a career of plating turn up some day in a selling hurdle-race, winner to be sold for {pstlg}50?
f. Biol. and Med. The preparation of a culture on a plate (see plate v. 6).
1898Public Health (Papers & Rep. Amer. Public Health Assoc.) XXIII. 81 The technical difficulties in the way of successful ‘plating’ in agar are considerable.1916Jrnl. Bacteriol. I. 513 Eight different samples of raw and heated soil were selected for this examination, some samples being plated immediately, others being incubated at 37°C. for 48 hours before plating.1934A. T. Henrici Biol. Bacteria xii. 201 The procedure most commonly used for obtaining pure cultures from mixtures of microbes is the process of plating introduced by Koch.Ibid. 203 Plating may be used also to measure or estimate the number of bacteria in a given substance.1969M. R. Droop in Norris & Ribbons Methods in Microbiol. III B. xi. 276 The sample for isolation will usually require a considerable degree of dilution before plating.
g. The furnishing of a book with a book-plate.
1906Daily Chron. 10 Aug. 3/2 ‘Plating’..would appear to be the process of affixing the book-plate to the inside of the first cover of the volumes.1938L. M. Harrod Librarians' Gloss. 116 Plating, the process of pasting labels in library books.
h. Machine knitting. (See quot. 1946.)
1946A. J. Hall Standard Handbk. Textiles iii. 140 It is possible to run two threads at once into the knitting machine and arrange that one of these predominates in the back of the fabric whilst the other is mostly seen on the front... This method of knitting is known as plating.1954Textile Terms & Defs. (Textile Institute) 30 Plating usually involves the knitting of two yarns of different colour, different lustre, or different composition, so that only one of these yarns is visible on the face of the stitch.
i. = fellatio, cunnilingus. slang.
1965W. Young Eros Denied xiv. 137 Gamming, from the French gamahucher, or blowing, or plating, or noshing.1969Fabian & Byrne Groupie ii. 16 Why do you think plating is perverted? Everyone I know does it.
j. With reference to a goods vehicle: see plate v. 10.
1968Economist 27 Jan. 61/2 All three firms have had a couple of prosperous years recently, benefiting from the rapid transition from rigid lorries to articulated vehicles and by the introduction of ‘plating’ and other new inspection requirements.1972Police Rev. 10 Nov. 1463/1 The Minister's approval certificate..will eventually obviate the necessity of attending the testing station for plating.
2. concr. The result or product of this action.
a. An external layer or sheath of plates; sheathing-plates collectively.
1843Carlyle Past & Pr. ii. iii, St. Edmund's Shrine glitters..with a plating of wrought gold.1891Kipling Light that Failed (1900) 277 The narrow-gauge armoured train... Two bogie trucks running before the locomotive were completely covered in with plating.1895Outing (U.S.) XXVI. 381/1 There are five strakes of this plating from deck to garboard.
b. The surface of precious metal with which copper, etc. is plated. Also, any metal coating. Also fig.
1833T. Hook Widow & Marquess viii, She..dreaded that the appearance might be deceitful—if it were so, the plating was extremely thick.1839Ure Dict. Arts 998 Were it to remain a very little longer, the silver would become alloyed with the copper, and the plating be thus completely spoiled.1870Lowell Study Wind. (1886) 61 The plating of Anglicism rubs off.1901B. Blount Pract. Electro-Chem. v. 268 Nickel plating is harder and more brittle than the metal in massive form.1946Trans. Electrochem. Soc. LXXXIX. 409 (heading) Plating deposited from nickel-cobalt chloride solution.1962Engineering 7 Sept. 321/3 (heading) Mirror surface on copper plating.
c. Biol. and Med. A culture on a plate (plate n. 19 e).
1901Jrnl. Hygiene I. 298 Platings from this broth have then been made in litmus-lactose-agar.1928Jrnl. Bacteriol. XVI. 272 Platings were made of each sample of milk immediately after it was received.
3. attrib. and Comb., ‘occupied or used in plating’; as plating liquid, plating mill, plating trade; plating bar, a bar made from special pig-iron for making into plate-iron; plating bath, a bath containing the metallic solution in which articles to be plated are immersed; plating certificate, a certificate stating that a goods vehicle has had a plating examination; plating examination, a legally-required inspection of a goods vehicle to establish weight, roadworthiness, etc.; plating hammer, (a) a heavy hammer for clinching; (b) a steam-hammer for working on armour-plate, etc.
1892Daily News 13 June 2/7 There is a fair enquiry for *plating bars.
1895Westm. Gaz. 24 Oct. 5/2 Purchasing bar silver for the purpose of strengthening their *plating bath.
1968Goods Vehicles (Plating & Testing) Regulations (601) Reg. 2 ‘Ministry plate’ means a plate issued by the Minister for a goods vehicle following the issue or amendment of a *plating certificate.1978Highway Code 64 Before driving, make sure that..you have a current plating certificate for your goods vehicle.
1973J. Duckworth Kitchin's Road Transport Law (ed. 16) 94 The first examination consists of a *plating examination in which the vehicle's axle and gross weights are assessed and recorded on a plate, followed by a test of roadworthiness.
1543Richmond Wills (Surtees) 43, ij nalyng hamers ijd. Item a hake hamer with a *platyng hamer, ijd.
c1865G. Gore in Circ. Sc. I. 225/1 A good *plating liquid should contain one equivalent of..cyanide of potassium.
1877Raymond Statist. Mines & Mining 358 In 1750..Parliament..prohibited the erection in America of slitting, rolling, or *plating mills, or steel furnaces.




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