

单词 plumaciol
释义 pluˈmaciol Med. Obs.
Also 6 -aciolle, -aceole.
[ad. med.L. plūmāciolus, dim. from late L. plūmācium down pillow (Ambrose, Cassiod.), f. plūma soft feather, down. Cf. OF. plumaceole, and plumacel (in Godef.) in similar sense.]
A pledget or small pad used in surgery.
c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 13 Brynge þou þe parties of þe wounde togidere þoruȝ sowynge, or wiþ plumaciols—þat ben smale pelewis—or wiþ byndynge, if þat sewynge be nouȝt nessessarie.1597A. M. tr. Guillemeau's Fr. Chirurg. 11 b/2 With lint, and with little plumaceoles therof being made.Ibid. 18 b/2 A flatte plumaciolle or tent made of linte.




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