

单词 poetize
释义 poetize, v.|ˈpəʊɪtaɪz|
[ad. F. poétiser (14th c. in Hatz.-Darm.); see poet and -ize.]
1. a. intr. To play the poet; to compose poetry; to write or speak in verse, or in poetical style.
1581Sidney Apol. Poetrie (Arb.) 60 Not onely to read others Poesies, but to poetise for others reading.1596C. Fitzgeffrey Sir F. Drake (1881) 23 Free Poesie is made a marchandize, Onlie to flatter is to Poetize.1630Drayton Muses Elizium (1892) 11 They very curiously could Paint, And neatly Poetize.1731Hist. Litteraria II. 165 It is but a bold and vain Attempt to poetize in any Language learnt only by Grammar.1826Blackw. Mag. XIX. 355 Go over all the poets who have poetized about the sea.1895Wales May 240/2 A shoemaker from Llandwrog was with me..the person who poetized to Mr. Williams in the Bangor paper.1917J. B. Cabell Cream of Jest i. ii. 13 So Horvendile descended, still poetizing: ‘Pus ab mi dons no m pot valer.’1939L. M. Montgomery Anne of Ingleside xxii. 147 He doesn't look clever but he can poetize.
b. To deal in poetical fiction; to feign; to ‘romance’. Obs.
1595Daniel Civ. Wars i. vi, I versifie the troth, not poetize.1639N. N. tr. Du Bosq's Compl. Woman ii. 58 It seems they no whit Poetize, who say that Arithmetick cannot multiply so farre.
2. trans. (with simple obj. or obj. clause.) To record or tell in poetry. Obs.
1609Heywood Brit. Troy xiv. Schol. 383 It is poetised of him that in the Elisian field after his death he espoused Medea.1614T. Adams Fatal Banquet iii, Wks. 1861 I. 212 What Ovid did but poetize, experience doth moralise, our manners actually perform.
3. trans.
a. To make poetical; to turn into poetry; to imbue with the spirit or style of poetry.
1762Goldsm. Ess. xv. Poetry disting., Virgil has..poetized (if we may be allowed the expression) a whole sentence by means of the same word, which is pendere.1847Blackw. Mag. LXII. 473 He had poetised..the commonest objects of external nature.1878Dowden Stud. Lit. 32 Shelley poetizes the doctrine when Leon bids the tyrant Othman go free.
b. To celebrate in poetry; to compose poetry upon; to write or speak poetically about.
1837Emerson Address, Amer. Schol. Wks. (Bohn) II. 187 Instead of the sublime and beautiful, the near, the low, the common, was explored and poetized.1884J. Parker Larger Ministry 11 It is irrational..to poetise the moon, and ignore the sun which she modestly reflects.
Hence ˈpoetized ppl. a., ˈpoetizing vbl. n.; also ˌpoetiˈzation, the action of poetizing, a turning into poetry; also quasi-concr. a poetical version of something; ˈpoetizer, one who poetizes.
1875N. Amer. Rev. CXX. 191 Would find a *poetization of that enterprise a rather tough morsel to swallow.1889Church Let. 9 Nov., Life (1894) 341 A most melancholy, but in parts beautiful book, Edwin Arnold's poetisation of Buddhism.
1829Carlyle Misc. (1857) II. 78 Only *poetised philosophical speeches.1877Morley Crit. Misc. Ser. ii. 298 The Religion of Duty lacks a vital mark of religion, and cannot be regarded as more than a highly poetized morality.
1599T. M[oufet] Silkwormes 20 These be the tales that *Poetisers sing.1830Fraser's Mag. I. 342 The Eastern poet is superior to the duller poetisers of more western countries.
1651Stanley Cupid Poems 69, I first admir'd, then transferr'd my excesse of Admiration to the folly of *poetizing.1888F. H. Williams Atman (1891) 243 He is probably bilious, but that is no excuse for his threadbare poetizings.1894Athenæum 2 June 702/3 A poet like Keats..has no need to subject his lines to the poetizing process of Wordsworth.1936F. Clune Roaming round Darling viii. 74 A freezing night in August and eating cold corned beef! That's what poetizing does to a man.1948F. R. Leavis Great Tradition iii. 129 The Waves and The Years—works that offer something like the equivalent of Georgian poetizing.1961PMLA LXXVI. i. 309/1 None of these glimpses of poetizing without writing is intended to incorporate a signature into the epic matter.




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