

单词 Polygonum
释义 Polygonum Bot.|pəˈlɪgənəm|
[mod.L. polygonum (polygonos, -us, -on Plin.), a. Gr. πολύγονον knotgrass, etc., f. πολυ-, poly- + γόνυ knee, joint.]
A large and widely distributed genus of plants, type of the family Polygonaceæ, consisting of herbs (rarely undershrubs), with swollen stem-joints sheathed by the stipules, and small apetalous flowers, usually with red or white perianth.
It includes knotgrass (P. aviculare), snakeweed (P. Bistorta), black bindweed (P. Convolvulus), water-pepper (P. Hydropiper), persicaria (P. Persicaria), buckwheat (P. Fagopyrum or Fagopyrum esculentum), etc. The polygonum of Sturt (1833) is a Muehlenbeckia, family Polygonaceæ.
1706Phillips, Polygonum, Polygony or Knot-grass, an Herb chiefly us'd for stopping all sorts of Fluxes, Wounds [etc.].1833C. Sturt Two Exp. Interior S. Austral. I. 146 Its [the creek's] bed was choaked up with bulrushes or the polygonum.1838T. Thomson Chem. Org. Bodies 974 The bidens..in general did not vegetate so long as the polygonum.1887Amer. Naturalist XXI. 580 We also find that the ants rear the young, before the ground is planted, upon the roots of Setaria and Polygonum.
b. attrib. as polygonum creek, polygonum flat (i.e. covered with a growth of Polygonum or Muehlenbeckia).
1890‘R. Boldrewood’ Col. Reformer xvi. 190 He had shot more than one polygonum creek, straight and true as an Indian.1898Rom. Canvass Town 126 They drew back by degrees into the polygonum flat which at that point bordered the river.




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