

单词 resuscite
释义 reˈsuscite, v. Obs.
[ad. OF. resusciter or L. resuscitāre.]
1. trans. To resuscitate, bring back to life.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints v. (John) 372 In his name to resuscit ȝow.a1450Knt. de la Tour (1868) 144 Oure lorde Ihesu Crist was resuscited.c1477Caxton Jason 27 Hit semeth to us that fortune hath brought hym unto your handes for to resuscite and reyse yow.1535Joye Apol. Tindale (Arb.) 8 He englissheth resuscitantur shal ryse agen and not are reuiued or resuscited.
2. intr. To return to life.
a1450Knt. de la Tour (1868) 125 Bi the praier of the said holy man the child resuscited, and releued ayen from dethe to lyff.




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