

单词 pooh pooh
释义 pooh pooh, int. (n., a.)|ˈpuːˈpuː|
Reduplication of pooh int.
[1679Pough, Pough: see poh.]a1814Woman's Will iii. i. in New Brit. Theatre IV. 90 Poo, poo, you know not what you say.1844Dickens Mart. Chuz. xii, Pooh, pooh!.. Never mind that.1902A. Lang in Longm. Mag. Sept. 146 The sceptic will say ‘Pooh pooh!’ (at least on paper—nobody ever says ‘Pooh pooh!’)
B. n. (pooh-pooh).
a. An utterance of the exclamation ‘pooh pooh!’
b. One who is addicted to using this exclamation.
1798C. Smith Yng. Philos. I. 6 Before the Doctor had vented his pshaws and pooh poohs.1867Morn. Star 6 Aug. 6/4 The Pooh-poohs think the rest of mankind was made for their pleasure and profit.1875O. W. Holmes Old Vol. of Life, Crime & Automatism (1891) 326 This is the tribe of the Pooh-Poohs, so called from the leading expression of their vocabulary.1891G. Meredith One of our Conq. III. ii. 29 Dartrey blew his pooh-pooh on feminine suspicions.
C. attrib. or adj. |ˈpuːpuː|, as in pooh-pooh theory, a humorous designation of the theory that language is a development of natural interjections. Cf. bow-wow theory.
1860Thackeray Round. Papers, Late Gt. Victories (1876) 40 A Saturnine philosopher..has a pooh-pooh expression as the triumph passes.1861Max Müller Sc. Lang. ix. 352 These cries or interjections were represented as the natural and real beginnings of human speech... This is what I call the Interjectional, or Pooh-pooh, Theory.

Add:[B.] 2. Freq. as poo-poo. Faeces, excrement (also in pl.). Phr. to do (go, make, etc.) poo-poo(s), to defecate. colloq. (chiefly children's).
1960Wentworth & Flexner Dict. Amer. Slang 401/2 Poo-poo, feces.1976M. Karapanou Kassandra & Wolf xvi. 26 Peter serves. Roast beef and carrots sauté. For me it's spinach, to go poopoo.1981Times Lit. Suppl. 15 May 541/4 Friends of mine used the word ‘aka’ in the toilet training of their child, under the..impression that this is the term used by Amerindians of the Navajo persuasion to denote pooh-poohs.1983Washington Post 1 Apr. d8/1, I gotta make poo poo.1988Mother & Baby Apr. 63/3 Show her the nappy and tell her that she can do her wee-wee and poo-poo (or whatever your family words are!) in the potty instead of the nappy now that she is a big girl.




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