

单词 Portland
释义 Portland1|ˈpɔətlənd|
A peninsula or ‘island’ on the coast of Dorsetshire; attrib. in names of natural and artificial products of Portland Island, or of objects connected with it; as Portland arrowroot, Portland beds: see quots.; Portland cement, a cement resembling P. stone in colour: see cement n. 1 note; also attrib., as P. cement maker, mill, etc.; Portland oolite, a limestone of the Upper Oolite formation, especially developed in the Isle of Portland; Portland powder: see quot. 1858; Portland sago = P. arrowroot; also called Portland Island sago; Portland sand, Portland screw: see quots.; Portland spurge, Euphorbia Portlandica; Portland stone, a valuable building stone quarried in the Isle of Portland; also ellipt.; also, applied to the colour of Portland stone.
1854–67C. A. Harris Dict. Med. Terminol., Portland Sago, *Portland arrow-root, a fecula prepared from Arum maculatum in the Isle of Portland.1866Treas. Bot. 97/1 From the tubers of this plant [Arum maculatum]..a starch called Portland Arrowroot was formerly..prepared.
1849Craig, *Portland beds, or Portland limestone, a series of calcareous strata belonging to the upper part of the Oolite formation, found chiefly..in the Isle of Portland.
1824Specif. J. Aspdin's Patent No. 5022 An improvement in..artificial stone..which I call *Portland cement.1858Simmonds Dict. Trade, Portland-cement Maker, a manufacturer of cement for builders.1885Times, Engineering Suppl. 12 Apr. 60/1 ‘Portland’ cement..was patented in 1824 by Joseph Aspdin, a bricklayer, of Leeds, who fancied that it bore some resemblance to the oolitic limestone of Portland Island.1900Westm. Gaz. 17 July 6/3 The neighbourhood of these two rivers [Thames and Medway], from being the cradle of the Portland Cement industry, has now become the chief seat of the manufacture.
1833J. Phillips Geol. in Encycl. Metrop. (1845) VI. 533 Names of Strata on Mr. Smith's Map and Sections [1815]..9 Portland rock... Present Names [1833]..*Portland oolite.
1801Med. Jrnl. V. 417 A Printed paper..recommending a revival of the old remedy for the Gout, known by the name of the *Portland Powder. From [this] we should be led to believe that this remedy was purchased and dispersed by the present Duke of Portland; whereas, it was by his father, many years ago.1858Mayne Expos. Lex., Portland Powder, a name of a formerly celebrated gout remedy, consisting of equal parts of birthwort, gentian, germander tops and leaves, ground pine and lesser centaury, dried, powdered, and sifted.
1849Craig, *Portland sago.
1859Page Handbk. Geol. Terms, Portland Stone and *Portland Sand, a well-known group of the upper oolite... It consists of shelly freestones of variable texture underlaid by thick beds of sand.
1885Lyell Elem. Geol. (ed. 4) 294 The cast of a spiral univalve called by the quarrymen the ‘*Portland Screw’..is common.
1861Miss Pratt Flower. Pl. V. 11 Order Euphorbiaceæ... Euphorbia Portlandica (*Portland Spurge).
1673J. Ray Observations Journey Low-Countries 120 These figured Bodies were of very different Substances as to hardness..some soft Stone..others as hard as *Portland Stone.a1706Evelyn Diary an. 1666 (1955) III. 459 All the ornaments, Columns, freezes, Capitels & projectures of massie Portland stone flew off.1711J. Thornhill Jrnl. 21 May in Proc. Suffolk Inst. Archæol. & Nat. Hist. (1907) XIII. i. 35 Mr. Martin having cap'd his peers with Keitan stone & made Pedestalls of Portland, ye paving is genly Newcastle stone.a1720Sheffield (Dk. Buckhm.) Wks. (1729) II. 258 Each step of one entire Portland-stone.1851Borrow Lavengro xciv, Lunatic-looking erections, in what the simpletons call the modern Gothic taste, of Portland-stone.1869Bradshaw's Railway Manual XXI. p. xxiv. (Advt.), Anitcorrosion paint. White. Light Stone. Bath do. Cream Colour. Light Portland Stone. Drab or Portland do.1963Times 17 May 15/7 Viewed with a shaft of sunlight on it, the Portland stone is startlingly white.
Hence Portˈlandian a. Geol., the specific designation of a subdivision of the Upper Oolite, developed in the Isle of Portland.
1885Geikie Text-bk. Geol. (ed. 2) 798 The Upper or Portland Oolites..are divisible into three groups: (1) Kimmeridgian, at the base; (2) Portlandian... This group, resting directly on the Kimmeridge clay, consists of two divisions, the Portland Sand and Portland Stone.Ibid. 799 Among Portlandian fossils a single species of coral (Isastræa oblonga) occurs.




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