

单词 praiser
释义 praiser|ˈpreɪzə(r)|
Also 5–6 praysour.
[a. AF. prei-, praisour = OF. *preiseor, F. priseur; f. preisier, priser, praise v.: see -er1.]
1. One who appraises; a valuer, appraiser. Obs.
1491Will of Stokes (Somerset Ho.), The Bisshopes praysours.1529Act 21 Hen. VIII, c. 5 §2 Their regesters, scribes, praisers, sommoners, apparatours.1544in Vicary's Anat. (1888) App. iii. 160 Rychard Ferres..for to be one of the Comen preysers in this Cytye.1624in Picton L'pool Munic. Rec. (1883) I. 219 Oxe money..to be assessed by the foure Marchant praysers.1707E. Chamberlayne Pres. St. Eng. ii. (ed. 22) 205 The Chancellor of the Exchequer..hath the Gift of the two Praisers of the Court.
2. a. One who praises, commends, or extols; a eulogist.
1382Wyclif Prov. xxvii. 21 So is preued a man in the mouth of preiseris [1388 preyseris].c1386Chaucer Melib. ⁋211 The sweete wordes of flaterynge preiseres.1450–1530Myrr. our Ladye 18 Here cometh the prayser that endyted the songe.1573G. Harvey Letter-bk. (Camden) 30, I have bene a praiser of none save phisicians.1620E. Blount Horæ Subs. 472 Let your owne conscience be your owne prayser.1742Richardson Pamela III. 245 Lady Davers was one of the kind Praisers.1863W. W. Story Roba di R. II. vii. 175 The Past never wants for praisers and apologists.
b. One who offers praise to God or a deity; a worshipper.
1610Willet Hexapla Dan. 170 They are praisers of images.1765J. Brown Chr. Jrnl. (1814) 163 The loudest praiser of God.
c. spec. = praise poet. Cf. mbongo.
1904D. Kidd Essential Kafir ii. 92 All chiefs keep a Court Praiser, whose business it is to go in front of the chief and sing his praises.1937G. P. Lestrade in I. Schapera Bantu-Speaking Tribes S. Afr. xiii. 299 A praiser..may..alter the order..of stanzas.1968T. Cope Izibongo: Zulu praise Poems i. ii. 26 When a man of distinction is rewarded for his services by the chief..he..establishes a great kraal and appoints a personal praiser, who will collect..and perfect his praises, so that they constitute what we call a ‘praise-poem’.
Hence ˈpraiseress, a female praiser. rare—1.
1611Cotgr., Louëresse, a praiseresse, commenderesse.




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